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Latest revision as of 14:09, 1 August 2008

Aruseus is asked about his nemesis...if he has one, at least.

Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Foxx, Pter, Bubs

Places: Computer Room, The Field, Strong Bad's Room

Computer: Intell 600

Date: March 3rd, 2007


ARUSEUS: La dee dee dee da! Another email! {types run_arumail.exe}

subject: nemisis

Dear Aruseus,
Do you have an arch-nemesis?

- Zippy Again

ARUSEUS: {typing} A nemisis? I never thought about that. {clears screen}

ARUSEUS: {typing} Well I don't think anyone's my nemisis, Zipmeister, but I do have some competitors. Let me check on 'em. {leaves}

{Cut to the Field, Foxx is there, kicking a hackysack, Aruseus walks in}

FOXX: 27, 28, 29, 30, 31-


FOXX: 20X6! {drops hackysack} Thanks for breaking my combo, idiot.

ARUSEUS: You're welcome! {salutes and leaves}

FOXX: Um...kay.

{Cut to Strong Bad's Living Room, Pter is lying on the couch, several bags of potato chips lay on the floor, Aruseus enters}

ARUSEUS: Holy carp!

PTER: What?

ARUSEUS: 5 bags? Have you checked your cholesterol?

PTER: Uhh...these are fat free.

ARUSEUS: Oh. {leaves}

PTER: {rummages through bag} Dang! I'm out of potato chips!

{Cut to Bub's Concession Stand}


BUBS: Up here!

ARUSEUS: Oh. {looks up, Bubs is unicycling}

BUBS: I'm gonna Unicycle down tyhe wall of my Concession Stand! Wish me luck!

ARUSEUS: Serious risk. {walks off, Bubs puts on a crash helmet}

{Cut back to Intell}

ARUSEUS: {typing} Well, Zippy, It looks like I beat Foxx to beating my hacksack record and tried to stop Pter from beating my "Most Bag O' Chips" record. I'm not sure if 'ol Bubsy is gonna beat my "Shortest Back Recovery Time" record. Aw well. I'm gonna go play some TLZ with Lyle. {leaves}

{The Paper comes down}

Easter Eggs

  • Click on "Most Bag 'O Chips" to see a record book page with Aruseus abnormaly bloated, with scattered bags of potato chips.
  • Click on "Shortest Back Recovery Time" to see a record book page with Aruseus writhing in pain on the ground, as seen in worst thing.

Fun Facts

  • Yet again, another instance of carp/crap.