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The Following Episode Of Green Grass And High Tides Forever Contains Scenes Of An Insane Nature. Viewer Discretion Is Advised.


{Cut to Emerl and Chaos in the living room. Chaos is playing a video game.}

EMERL: So, what're you playing?

CHAOS: Me? I'm playing Devil may laugh. It's the newest and funnest game in the underworld right now, and seeing as how I'm a rather famous demon, I took it upon myself to get a copy.

EMERL: Who made it?

CHAOS: Only a crack team of the greatest undead programmers and designers ever! They also phoned Gary Gygax in heaven to see if he could help. He couldn't.

EMERL: Do you think it's a good idea to leave a demonic game lying in the PS3? What if someone stupid gets a hold of it?

CHAOS: Like you?

EMERL: Exactly.

CHAOS: I dunno. I did-

{Chaos is interrupted.}

EMERL: Hey! I am NOT an idiot!

CHAOS: Said the guy who ate an eggshell for breakfast today.

IORI: {walking by, playing his GameBoy Advance.}

CHAOS: Hey, Iori! Wanna try my new game?

IORI: Not right now, I'm playing Mario Advance 4.

CHAOS: Come on! You get to eat cheese...

IORI: Yes! I got past world 2! Wait, what did you say?

CHAOS: The character you play as can eat cheese. That's one of the ways to beat the game.

IORI: Sweet! What's it called?

CHAOS: Cheese...Eater...

EMERL: Chaos I thought-

{Chaos pulls Emerl aside.}

CHAOS: Whoever said I didn't get other demonic games?

EMERL: You mean to tell me that you actually got a demonic game where you eat cheese?

CHAOS: Oh, yeah.

CHAOS: So, Iori, wanna play?

IORI: Sure!

{Chaos pops the game in the PS3, and hands the controller to Iori. When Iori gets it, a wave of purple light runs down Iori's arm.}

EMERL: What was that!?!?!

CHAOS: What was what?

IORI: {lets go of the controller} Holy crap, what was that?!?!?!?!?

CHAOS:' What was what?

IORI: What do you mean "what was what"? Quote the action that just happened: "A wave of purple light runs down Iori's arm."! What does that mean?!?!?


{Emerl picks up the controller, and nothing happens.}

EMERL: Try again.

{Iori picks the controller up again. The same thing happens again, and Iori feels a little weak.}

EMERL: Hmm. Peculiar.

IORI: Ugh, it feels like Shang Tsung is performing the "Soul Steal" fatality on me.

SHANG TSUNG: {appears} No, I'm not.

IORI: Then it is very pecul-ul-iar.

EMERL: I'm gonna go play outside. Let me know how the game goes.

{Cut to the field, where Dalk is playing catch with Gemerl. Gemerl throws the ball to Dalek, who shoots it back at him. Gemerl shoots Dalek with a missile, sending him offscreen, and Emerl appears.}

EMERL: Hey, can I play?

GEMERL: Sure. At least you have hands. I wonder why I even agreed to play with him in the first place.

{Cut to the living room. Iori, Patrick, Kano, and Chaos are all in there now.}

KANO: What's-a goin' on 'round 'her?


CHAOS: Patrick, pick up this controller.

{Patrick picks up the controller, and the same thing occurs as with Iori. He feels a little weak.}

PATRICK: Stop it, Shang!

SHANG TSUNG: What? I'm not doing anything!

CHAOS: Why don't you guys play the game? Forget the demoralization!

PATRICK: No way! This game is life threatening! {drops the controller}

CHAOS: It's supposed to be addicting...

PATRICK: It's life threatening! I feel ASLEEP weaker by just touching the controller!

IORI: Me too!

PATRICK: We're leaving.

CHAOS: You wanna try, Kano?

KANO: Sure. It's weird powers can't affect me, so why not?

{Chaos hands Kano a controller, and nothing happens. Chaos also picks up a controller, and the two begin to play the game. Cut to the field.}

EMERL: Him and Kano!?! Well, at least Chaos found a partner to play with.

GEMERL: We'll stay out here, where our lives can't get sucked away. Right, guys?

PATRICK: I guess.

IORI: I'm sticking to Mario Advance 4. {plays MA4 on his GBA}

GEMERL: I bet they're probably going to complain about the game being so bad!

{Cut to teh living room. "3 days later" appears onscreen. Cut to Chaos and Kano, both lying on the floor.}

CHAOS: Man, that game is addictive.

KANO: Addictive, but bad.

CHAOS: Ready to play the suckishly addictive game again?

KANO: Yep.

{The two sit up and resume playing. Cut to the field.}

GEMERL: It's been a week and nothing from Chaos or Kano. That's bad.

PATRICK: They must really like that game...

IORI: Either that or Gemerl just said "It's been a week" for no reason.

GEMERL: We can probably make a band and go platinum by the time they've finished that game!

{Emerl is holding a demonic-looking magazine.}

EMERL: Well, seeing as how the games has 72 levels and 10 hours of unlockable content, over 250 cutscenes, and 40 playable characters, I'd say we have good chance of going platinum by the time they've finished all of that.

GEMERL: Exactly. Who's in?

IORI: Who knows? And who cares?

EMERL: Well, it'll be fun!

PATRICK: Fun? More like life threatening. More like, soul stealing. More like- {interrupted}

IORI: We get it!

EMERL: Well, I'll be in the band.

PATRICK: We should probably check on them.

GEMERL: {Sigh} Fine.

{Cut to the living room, where Chaos and Kano re passed out. There is littered cans and wrappers everywhere, and Chaos has a beard of chocolate.}

GEMERL: {singsongy} Chaos? Wake up! {nudges him} Yoo-hoo!

PATRICK: Kano, wake up!

KANO: {waking up} COMPUTER LAB! Hey, Patrick. Hey everybody. Hey Chao- Chaos? Wake up! Kano commands you!

{Chaos punches Kano in the teeth, and turns over.}

GEMERL: Well, at least he's alive.

KANO: And friggin' violent.

SMW CARTOON LUIGI: Hey, y'all! What are you guys up to?

EMERL: Chaos and Kano were playing demonic games, and we wanted to check up on them. They're fine.

GEMERL:The games were DEMONIC!?!?!?! No wonder it sucked life out of you guys! It was leeching mortal energy.

{Chaos turns over.}

CHAOS: Exactly. We tried to get you guys into the habit of playing it so we could power it longer. It only lasted a week and a half without mortal energy.

SMW CARTOON LUIGI: I have a question. Does the game in any way made by lets say, Shang Tsung?




SMWCL: Quit hurting me! I'm going to be a major character soon!

GEMERL: yeah, right! {Throws a missile at SMWCL. He explodes}

CARTOON LUIGI: Ow! Meanies...

IORI: Hey, you stole my catchphrase! Meanie.

CHAOS: We beat the game before it ran out of power, though. THAT was hectic.

GEMERL: I'm sure it was. Now come get some fresh air. {picks up Iori and walks out the door.}

PATRICK: Yes, the fresh air...thing.

CHAOS: Oh, fine.

{Cut to the field, where Chaos and Kano currently are, just standing there.}

KANO: Band name.

CHAOS: Band name.

KANO: Band name.

CD-I LUIGI: {comes in} Spaghetti!

KANO: ...Spaghetti.

{Gemerl Slices Luigi right down the middle with a sword.}

GEMERL: Loser.

EMERL: ...Loser.

CHAOS: ...Loser.

KANO: You guys seem to hate characters used in YTP.

GEMERL: We guys seem to because we DO! We're only here because Chaos put us in as writer's convenience.


CHAOS: Yeah. YTP sucks. I'm only here to hang around with these dudes.

KANO: Then why the crap are you doin' this?!?! {MORE FOURTH WALL BREAKAGE!!!}

KUNG LAO (MORTAL KOMBAT): You stole my fatality!

CHAOS: Well, I figured I could cope with them.

EMERL: I'm holding up fine.

GEMERL: NOT ME! {hops in a plane, and bombs Hotel Mario, Zelda's Castle, and crashes the plane into the twin towers.}

EMERL: So THAT was what happened during 9/11. ...{TERRIBLE TERRORISM JOKE!!!}

KANO: Meh, they'll probably get rebuilt tommorow anyway. Sadly. Cope with who?

CHAOS: Them. {points to every YTP character ever used}

KANO: Ah yes.

CHAOS: So have we gotten enough fresh air yet?

KANO: Probably.

CHAOS: good. Let's go rent a movie with NetFlix.

{Everyone agrees and gets up.}

EMERL: NetFlix is a good idea.

{They all order a random movie, and run offscreen. The Episode ends.}