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Sirrus is called by his father. Pre his and Ventin's Wikihood appearance.


{Sirrus is sitting on a train. Ventin is asleep with her head on his lap. Suddenly, there is a small vibration in his pocket. He reaches into it, and pulls out his phone, grimacing at the number. He puts it to his ear, hushed voice, before speaking in Romanian.}

SIRRUS: Why are you calling me?

???: You are my child. Is that enough?

SIRRUS: Last time I checked, you didn't want anything to do with us. You kicked us out as teenagers, and then Mom died. Why are you really calling?

MIRCEA: I was worried about you. My two children..all out there. This is why I sent you that package. Do you still have the money?

SIRRUS: Yes, I have the money. Not that it means a thing to me. I just..don't call, again.

MIRCEA: Toma. Calm down. You and your sister..I care about you. You are my daughters. My precious daughters. And if anything happened to you..

SIRRUS: I am not your daughter. I have told you this enough, this is not a choice, this i-

MIRCEA: You ARE my daughter, and nothing you say will change that! You don't want the money? Return it! Just, don't you dare disres-

{Sirrus hangs up the phone, before going to sleep, as the train passes through Midway, further into Listless.}