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"Doctor! Doctor! I think I'm turning into a squirrel!" Yelled a very excited Homestar tiger.

"Homestar tiger, this is the administrative department." Shwoo explained to her mindless friend.

"Ohhh..." Homestar tiger realized. He looked around the building he was in. "In that case, can I have a chocolate chip waffle? And I don't want whipped cream." Homestar tiger demanded.

Shwoo hit her head on her desk. She sighed. That was Homestar tiger, alright.

Shwoo was one of the admins on the HRWiki and the HRFWiki, which were next to each other and they were both near Free Country, USA. She was just a woman with glasses and usually wore a white T-Shirt. She loved writing stories and working on her admin reports, of which she was writing one right now. And she was a very loyal friend to Homestar tiger.

Homestar tiger was just a regular user who had a slingshot and a catchphrase that was "Geronimo." He was a Homestar Runner family member, and he had a older brother named Homestar cheetah, and a younger brother named Homestar cub. He was sort of smart, sort of crazy, coated with orange fur and a black-and-orange shirt and hat. But most important, he was: a pure IDIOT.

Homestar tiger does stupid things all the time. You don't know where he is if you're not with him, and you probably don't want to know what he's doing. Most of the time his eyes don't point the same way and his tongue seeps out of his mouth if he holds still for too long. Someone has to make sure he doesn't do the worst kinds of things, like finding out if that thing is a meat-filled marshmallow or a D-Battery (Usually the battery) and giving crocodiles foot massages. Shwoo is one of the ones who have chosen to accept this fate, and has to look over Homestar tiger most of the time. For this, she calls herself "The Idiot's Keeper." But she remains loyal to him, even if she hasn't gotten benefited from it...yet. If she didn't help Homestar tiger, he would have died. Several times.

"Homestar tiger, Let me finish this report," Shwoo told Homestar tiger, "Then we'll play stupid moron."

"Alrighty." Homestar tiger said. He turned around. Shwoo went back to writing.

A while later, Shwoo finished dotting all the Is and crossing all the Ts. She slipped her documents into an empty folder. She got up and looked at her friend, who was in the EXACT same position he was an hour ago, except his tounge was hanging out of his mouth. This was a sign that:

"Homestar tiger, have you been standing there the entire time I was working?" Shwoo wondered.

"I dunno. The phone rang, you scribbled a little, some people walked by, that's all I remember." Homestar tiger answered.

"I'll... take that as a yes." Shwoo thought to herself, a little weirded out.

Shwoo walked away, Homestar tiger following. Shwoo wondered if something crazy would happen tonight. She didn't know that something WOULD happen, with a lot of other madness to follow...