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Latest revision as of 18:10, 22 May 2008

Shwoo got into her cruiser and put her file on the dashboard. She looked at Homestar tiger, who was in the passenger seat.

"Homestar tiger, why are you in here?" Shwoo asked.

"I don't have my Ram." Homestar tiger answered.

"Then how did you get here?"

"I ran."

"Then why don't you run back?"

"Are you kidding? I can't run that far if I was running from the Big Old Tree!"

"BUT YOU JUST-Ugh! Calm down, Shwoo, calm down... Fine. I'll drive you."

Shwoo pulled out from between the Administrative station and another tall building. She drove towards Homestar tiger's house first.

"Let's listen to the radio." Homestar tiger leaned towards the police scanner.

"That's not a radio, that's-"

But Homestar tiger had already turned on the police scanner and a report was being read.

"Towards the left of Salisbury street, a building is engulfed in flames... nobody has been harmed..." The reader announced.

"This is a stupid song." Homestar tiger reached for the dial. Shwoo pushed him away.

"A fire!?" Shwoo shouted. She turned onto the street mentioned.

It was true. A house was on fire, and by the time Shwoo and Homestar tiger got there, it had gone from medium-rare to well done. Shwoo and Homestar tiger looked at each other, with worried looks on their faces. Who-or what-had done this? And why? Nobody hated whoever's house this was. Did they? It was hard to say. Could it be a vandal? Strong Bad? No, he's not that desperate to be cool. Shwoo backed away and dropped Homestar tiger at his house.

When she got home, she got into her pajamas and got in bed. What would happen next? Some kind of foot crushing several buildings? Nah. She went to sleep.

Shwoo walked outside. It was 10 o'clock AM. She was in her clothes and she was holding a bagel in her mouth. She walked to her cruiser and drove to the admin station.

While she was driving and eating her breakfast, she looked at the buildings she was driving by. Homestar's house, a Mario pipe, a sign reading "WIKI USER WIKI: 5 MILES," an 8 story building, 3 buildings that have been destroyed, Marzipan's house-wait a minute.

She backed up and got out of her cruiser. She looked at the crushed buildings. They weren't destroyed by the sides of the buildings. They were smashed on the top. She climbed up a ladder on the side of one of the buildings. There was a footprint on the top of the destroyed foundations. It looked a bit like a giant bird's foot.

Shwoo was worried. What would happen next? She noted the fire and the footprint down in her notebook on a fresh page. She had a feeling that this wasn't going to stop.