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TheDenzel's Interview With Jakeula

THEDENZEL: Hello and welcome everyone to an exciting edition of TheDenzel's Interview Show. Today we'll be interviewing a fairly new user, Jakeula. Welcome Jakeula.

JAKEULA: Thanks for having me The Denzel might I say your looking as yellow and odd as ever.

THEDENZEL: Thanks! You're looking... Ula as ever! Say, where'd the ula come from anyway?

JAKEULA: Well it came from the SBmail retirement at the end he says "There ya go Jake-ula." Now i'm a huge Dracula fan so when i was making my Wiki name i remberd that and well the rest is wiki history.

THEDENZEL: Oh! I remember that now! So do you pronounce it "you-la" or "oo-la"?

JAKEULA: I pronounce it "you-la" but you can pronounce how ever you want.

THEDENZEL: Cool. I've always said is as "you-la". You've recently adopted Other Character Email The Cheat. Anything we can look forward too with that?

JAKEULA: Well I was thinking of making a lappy naping saga from the cheats point of view, Him teaming up with the sneak and The Cheatball, but thats all i've ccome up with so far.

THEDENZEL: Sounds pretty cool. Who's you're favorite Homestar Runner character?

JAKEULA: Well I like Pom Pom and The cheat But my favorite is Homsar.

THEDENZEL: Oh, so you're going the way of Super Sam, eh? Wait- why Pom Pom?

JAKEULA: Well I think hes cool and they way he walks and talks just seem well unusual.

THEDENZEL: What's you're favorite toon?

JAKEULA: Well its a tie between DNA evidence and KOT's very own quite popular cartoon show.


JAKEULA: There are 3 resaons. 1: It's the only time get to see The KOT when he's not trying to act cool. 2: We get to see The kings servants and see what there like. 3: I just thought that jumping song at the end was very funny!

THEDENZEL: Well, I guess that makes sense. It doesn't seem like you have many fanstuffs yet, any ones we can expect from you in the future?

JAKEULA: I'm working on one right now about when The Homestarmy, The Municipality, and On Point Kings have a war.There will also be another one like DNA evidence but its about the mystery about homestar's pants.

THEDENZEL: Cool. When can we expect it to come out?

JAKEULA: Probaly next week or the one after that.

THEDENZEL: Anything you can tell us about your "DNA Evidence Style" story?

JAKEULA: Most of it takes place during Highschool when homestar wore those ridiculous stripe-ed pants. But then it fast forwards to anwser what happend to them?

THEDENZEL: Sounds cool. Anything you can tell us about how it happens?

JAKEULA: Well in ladying Strong bad tells people to wear tight pants. Now i can't tell you what happens but look over Pom Pom's character video

THEDENZEL: Oh, I see. You mean the part where he says, "He's gotten me out of some pretty tight jams. And some pretty tight pants! But that only happened once?"

JAKEULA: yeah thats it exactly! Now The Denzel May I ask you a Question?

THEDENZEL: The Denzel is not in this room! You may however, ask me a question

JAKEULA: Um thanks. Well I was wondering where you got your user name from?

THEDENZEL: Oh, okay then. Well, the name comes from The Cheat's moldy old sponge, The Denzel. I liked the name... so when I found this wiki, I chose it! It comes from the email:bedtime story. Now, can I have my interview show back?

JAKEULA: Yeah sure, I didn't even want your interview show anyway!

THEDENZEL: Thanks! Now, what are some of the things you like to do outside the wiki?

JAKEULA: Well I like to go outside and run in circles for a half hour. Like Ekul I love Wathcing Doctor Who. But most of all I like to watch HomestarRunner!

THEDENZEL: What about at school? What's your favorite subject?

JAKEULA: Science! Science again! I said science again!

THEDENZEL: Science? Why science?

JAKEULA: Because I like to know all about what we know and what we think will happen. It just fasinates me.

THEDENZEL: What's your favorite topic in science? Like weather, cells etc?

JAKEULA: Um... Math.


JAKEULA: The Rock cycle.

THEDENZEL: Oh. Coulda sworn you'd said math! Anyway, this interviews coming close to it's end. Before our viewers get bombarded with ads, would you like to say anything?

JAKEULA: Yes I just want to say how much fun this was. Your really good at making people feel at home. This was a Great experiance and I encourage every one to try an iterview. Well I got to back to The one point kings rioting against the municipality!

THEDENZEL: Wow! That was one of the best closing comments I've ever seen. HIGH FIVE! {high fives Jakeula} But seriously, thanks for bein' here today. {shakes his hand} {to audience} And thanks for watching. Bye for now!
