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TheDenzel's Interview With X66x66

THEDENZEL: Welcome, everyone to TheDenzel's Interview Show. This time, we'll be interviewing none other than the very well known, X66x66. Welcome to the show!

X66X66: Ello! I'm glad to finally be here.

THEDENZEL: Hi. Well, we all know you're a major flash man here. How long have you had flash?

X66X66: Well, I got flash... hmm... I'm not really sure, but I know that I got it a few days before I joined this wiki. That means somewhere around 23 September 2006.

THEDENZEL: What about Fireworks?

X66X66: Fireworks I got around my Birthday which is April 11.

THEDENZEL: Which one do you like better? Flash or Fireworks?

X66X66: Flash, hands down. Fireworks I only use when I'm mixing Pokemon sprites... don't ask.

THEDENZEL: So.... are you a fan of Pokemon?

X66X66: Well, just the games. Not the Gamecube/Wii ones, but the versions like blue, yellow, ruby, silver, pearl. None of that other stuff.

THEDENZEL: But aren;t all the color things like... the same?

X66X66: Well, each new gameboy system has a set of versions. Gameboy = Blue, Red, Yellow. GBA = Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald. DS = Pearl, Diamond so far. Every 3rd is a combination of the first 2 and the finial of the set. Also, each new one comes with a new set of Pokemon and a new region. I own all but the first 3 and Diamond.

{looks to the camera.}

X66X66: The game came before the show. Just wanted to clarify that.

{looks back to TheDenzel.}

THEDENZEL: Let's get back to the topic of Flash. How long have you been doing requests for the wiki?

X66X66: Ever since I joined!

THEDENZEL: Wow! What's been your favorite request you've ever done?

X66X66: My favorite was one was the one when they asked me to remake there picture.

THEDENZEL: No seriously... which remake was your favorite?

X66X66: The very first remake I did. Originally I was only doing character mixes/recolors but then the ip claiming to be Homicidal Runner asked me to remake that duck person of his. That was my favorite because It was a challenge.

THEDENZEL: Oh, I see. You not only create images in flash, though. You've also created a few games as well. Which do you like better, Homestar Dresser 3 or Strong Bad Dresser?

X66X66: Homestar Dresser 3. SBD is messy and needs some clean up. Homestar Dresser 3 is better because it is neater and it wasn't from scratch like SBD was. I decompiled Homestar Dresser 2 and added lots of parts and changed some. Thats why I say Homestar Dresser 3 is a continuation of the 2nd.

THEDENZEL: I've heard rumors that you'll be creating a massive "every character" dresser. Is this true?

X66X66: I haven't decided yet. If I do it will take LOTS of work and will be made and realized in the summer. Also, my action-script skills still need some more work before I do or not.

THEDENZEL: Oh, okay. What about your, "few month break" from doing requests. How much longer will that last?

X66X66: Well, I might just finish the ones I have and then do requests every now and then. When I will do requests I will put a notice on my talk page. When I'm not it will say so.

THEDENZEL: Why are you cutting back on the requests?

X66X66: Mainly because I am busy with school work and friends. I want to spend as much time with my best friends (brother and sister) before they might move over the summer.

THEDENZEL: Oh. That sounds reasonable. What about your Fireworks Wiki. Where do you see that headed?

X66X66: Down the toilet... :(

THEDENZEL: Do you really think so?

X66X66: Yeah, I'm the only contributer there and I don't think many people have Fireworks.

THEDENZEL: Do you think that'll ever change?

X66X66: It might, someday.

THEDENZEL: Hopefully. Now, you own The Golbol Award. That seems to have become pretty well known. What do you think had contributed to it's success?

X66X66: Oh crap! That reminds me. I have to reward the month's winner! Oh well, I still have one day. Anyways, I think its successful because it's rewarded every month and the award has been running since February I think. It's one of the few awards (that I know of) that have been running for this long and hasn't died out yet.

THEDENZEL: Okay then. Well, we're almost outta time here. Before we go and you share your final message, I have to ask you. Where did you get your username from? X66x66? It's not an average name!

X66X66: Well, It all started on 6/6/06. My sister told me to go on this game site to play a game she was addicted too, but I needed an account. The account was xx6x66. Then I found a site DS Meet and I had to make an account to use their Animal Crossing pattern maker. You uploaded a pic and it transformed it to a pattern for Animal Crossing using the pallet colors. Anyways, I made the account xx6x66. Then lost the password the next day so I had to make another. Since xx6x66 was taken, I made it x66x66. That name stuck when I made an account on HRWiki. After that I found HRFWiki and I wanted to have the same account name so people could know I was the same person, so thats how why I made x66x66 as the account name here. That screen name/user name has stuck for other sites too. Now I use that for every website I make an account for.

EXAMPLE: Project Playlist, Other Wikis, and other stuff that I currently forgot the site :-/

THEDENZEL: Yah. TheDenzel is my account name on most of my other online stuff I'm on. Like I said already, we're outta time. Any closing message you'd like to leave?

X66X66: Yes, uh..... never mind. I can't remember.

THEDENZEL: Alrighty then. Thanks for being a fun interview X66x66. {shakes his hand} {to audience} And thanks for watching. Goodbye.
