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Assistant's Blog
"Dull and dreary... just how I like it."
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Archives: 3 · 2 · 1 

20. Bored. - 12.22.08

Ugh... there's nothing to do around here. Number Two's been holed up, working on some new invention he says "will revolutionize villainy as we know it", or whatever. I never really got a good look at it, but whatever. Not like I care.

*sigh* It's like villainy's not all it used to be.

Wait, are we still villains?

Mood: bored AssistantEmoteNeutral.png
Tunes: Emerge - Fischerspooner (look it up, good song)

19. !!! - 12.21.08

Kitty was outside my window today... I think he came back to see me! AssistantEmoteHappy.png I hope he comes back tomorrow... That's be great.

Mood: omg AssistantEmoteHappy.png
Tunes: None

18. *sighs* - 12.21.08

It turns out Kitty belongs to somebody. AssistantEmoteSad.png A nice woman came over today, saying her pet kitty got lost while changing collars... I guess that's who Kitty belonged to. I had to give him back, but I told him I'd always miss him... he was so good to me. He was as good a friend as anybody could be...

Mood: heartbroken AssistantEmoteSad.png
Tunes: The credits song from The Hulk

17. About Kitty - 12.21.08

I suppose I should tell you a little bit about Kitty. He's pretty tiny, and he's got beautiful black and white fur. He really seems to like me--maybe it's the matching outfits! AssistantEmoteHappy.png Number Two doesn't like him, though. Kitty keeps staring him down... I don't think Kitty likes robots. Maybe it's like how cats hate the vacuum cleaner? I don't know.

Right now he's eating some kitty food. He's such a cute kitty!

Mood: overjoyed AssistantEmoteHappy.png
Tunes: Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf

16. KITTY! - 12.21.08

So yesterday, I'm going outside to get the paper, and guess what? There's a little kitty sitting on my doorstep! He was so cute, I just had to take him in! He's sitting right on my lap right now, and I named him Kitty. AssistantEmoteHappy.png

I never said I was good with names.

Mood: serendipitous(?) AssistantEmoteHappy.png
Tunes: Goody Two-Shoes - Adam Ant

15. Well... - 12.19.08

Maybe if you didn't insist on eating at the same time as inventing this would happen. I'll go get the shamois. Shammy. Whatever.

Mood: what is a shamois AssistantEmoteSad.png
Tunes: Jingle Bells

14. Come on! - 12.19.08

You know, writing down your password in plain sight doesn't help. Assistant. Now come here and help me build. I got peanut butter in the disk drives again and I can't get it out!

Mood: aggro NumberTwoEmoteAngry.png
Tunes: Still Chuck Rock. Dang, that's catchy!

13. Wait a mo' - 12.19.08

How did Number Two get back on my computer? I swear I passworded that thing a day ago... He couldn't have guessed the password, could he?

Mood: confuzzled AssistantEmoteSad.png
Tunes: Superfreak - Rick James

12. Chrimmas - 12.19.08

So Christmas is coming all up ons. It's my favorite time of year, to be honest--the one holiday where I get to just relax and wash all my worries away. It's great... But still, I've gotta keep so I need to be vigilant. Who knows when Skullbuggy will come along and ruin my plans? NumberTwoEmoteAngry.png God, that guy's a jerk.

On another note, I got this custom blog template. Neat, huh? Now you know when I'm posting!

Mood: pugilistic NumberTwoEmoteAngry.png
Tunes: Chuck Rock title screen music

11. The joy of cooking - 12.18.08

Cooking is my favorite thing to do. I'm not going to lie--it makes me feel so much better. See, to me, cooking is like art--edible art. It's a fleeting masterpiece, when put in the right hands; luckily, I've got a master's in culinary arts, so I can call myself experienced. Right now, I'm practicing my newest dish--a vegetable medley in a cheese sauce. So far, my cheese sauce is all thick and gluey... but I'm getting there!

Speaking of cooking, what's your favorite dish? Mine, of course, is the souffle--light, fluffy, and oh-so-fragile.

Mood: at ease AssistantEmoteHappy.png
Tunes: If I Could Fly - Joe Satriani

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