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(New page: == Part 1: Keeping the Faith == ''{Cut to the dock}'' '''CHRIS:''' Last time on Total Drama Island... ''{flashback to scenes from the previous episode}'' '''CHRIS:''' Campers showed of...)
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Latest revision as of 22:17, 22 December 2008

Part 1: Keeping the Faith

{Cut to the dock}

CHRIS: Last time on Total Drama Island...

{flashback to scenes from the previous episode}

CHRIS: Campers showed off their culinary skills by preparing a three-course meal for me! Geoff was Head Chef again for the Killer Bass, and Tom had led the Screaming Gophers. Now the Gophers had some pretty good ideas, such as a s'more puree by Kale and Bruce and a cheesy cocktail sauce developed by Foxx. However, what really threw the Screaming Gophers off the rails was the spaghetti, who Megan, jealous of Jess, had sabotaged to get Jess voted off. But as we all know, karma sucks, and Megan got a heap of bad karma when she got voted off.

{Cut back to Chris}

CHRIS: So, what's going on with the teams? Are the Killer Bass coming to their senses? Will this next challenge bring the teams closer or farther apart from eachother? Find out, on the most exicting campfire ceremony yet, here, on TOTAL...DRAMA...ISLAND!

{Cue the opening}

{Cut to the Screaming Gophers' cabin.}

JESS: Come on! Now that Megan's off, you can have more time with me.

TOM: Ugh. For the last time! You are NOT my girlfriend!

JESS: I...I'm not? But...the song...

TOM: I'm sorry...I just decided...

JESS: Decided what?

TOM: Look. After yesterday, I decided if you and Megan are going to fight over me, I can't date either of you.

JESS: But...I really...

TOM: Look, Jess. It's over. Leave me alone and give me some time to think.

{Tom walks off}


FOXX: Boy trouble?

JESS: You bet! Tom's just a dirty lying ass!

FOXX: Look, I'd admit you went a little too far...


{Cut to outside, a couple clangs are heard. Cut to Tom, who's by the beach}

FOXX: {offscreen} ...aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

TOM: What the?!

{Foxx, sans body, crashes near Tom}

FOXX: It was Jess...

TOM: Woah.

{Cut to the Mess Hall}

ASHLEY: {tastes food} This is actually good. What's in it?

CHEF: Whatever the hell you made last challenge.

ASHLEY: I had to get my hopes up.

BRUCE: So...Tom. You okay?

TOM: I'm fine.

KALE: You sure-

TOM: Listen, stay out of my buisness, okay?

{Cut to the Bass}

FENRI: Hm...something's going on with Tom.

LUCAS: I heard. Him and Jess broke up or something.

CHRIS: Campers! You're next challenge involves trust! You will do four challenges...blindfolded. There's the dangerous cooking challenge, the blindfolded William Tell, the blindfolded trapeze, and the blindfolded tobaggon race.

FENRI: Talk about suicide!

TEX: All depends on who is cooking...Ahem. {stares at Lucas}

LUCAS: Tex, we won the challenge. Drop it.

{Geoff groans}

{Cut to a cabin with two tables}

CHRIS: Okay, first...the cooking challenge! Geoff and Lucas, you're one team, Foxx and Pter, the other.

GEOFF: I'm watching you...

LUCAS: Okay, so what's to prepare? Something simple?

CHRIS: The poisonous blowfish! You have to cut it just right to avoid breaking the toxic sac.

{Outhouse Cam: Fenri}

FENRI: What'd I tell you? Total suicide.

{Cut back}

{Chef brings out two blowfish}

GEOFF: Do this right, man.

LUCAS: I know what I'm doing, okay? Now shut up and let me cut this thing.

{Lucas gently cuts the blowfish}

FOXX: {whispers} Psst. Pter. Do whatever the hell you want. I'm anandroid, it won't hurt me at all.

PTER: Okay! {stabs the blowfish}

CHRIS: {cringes} I think we know who's gonna lose...


CHRIS: And we're done! Okay, first up...Foxx.

{Foxx takes a bite of pink slop (the blowfish)}


CHRIS: And now...Geoff.

{Geoff takes a bite of a blowfish kebab}

GEOFF: Hm...all fine.

{Both teams cheer}

CHRIS: Looks like a tie! Onward to the next challenge!

{Cut to a forest}

CHRIS: The blindfolded William Tell. A classic, shoot an apple off of your partner's head with an sharp arrow.

{Everyone gasps}

CHRIS:'re exempt.

{Outhouse Cam: Tom}

TOM: Because of his metallic structure, Foxx would've been my pick, but now he's exempt? If only Van were still in...

{Outhouse Cam: Fenri}

FENRI: Once again, suicide!

{Cut back}

CHRIS: Fenri and Elyssa, you're one team. Pter and Bruce, the other.

FENRI: Ryan, hold Bungee for me.

RYAN: Okay.

{Pter and Fenri have apples on their heads, Kale and Elyssa have arrows and are blindfolded}

KALE: Forgive me, team...if I miss the apple...Here goes...

{Kale launches the arrow}

KALE: Did I hit him?

PTER: Yeah, Kale. You hit me in the apple.

{The Screaming Gophers cheer}

BRUCE: Nice shot, Kale!

ELYSSA: My turn! I can shoot well!

{Elyssa fires the arrow, a metal clang is heard}

ELYSSA: That can't be good...

FENRI: Nice shot, Elyssa! Except my chestplate is not an apple!

RYAN: {singing} Shot through the heart...and you're to blame...

FENRI: {gets electrified} Oh, damn. The arrow caused my body to malfunction...and there's only one way to keep it from killing me...

Part 2: A Shocking Experience, Followed By a Quick Ride

{Cut to the next challenge, Elyssa is holding Fenri's head}

FENRI: I guess I'm no use until my self-repair kicks in.

ELYSSA: Thank God Bungee's okay...

CHRIS: Ryan, you and Tex. Looks like we're gonna have to bring a Gopher back about...Bruce and...Kale. Now you guys have to trapeze over a pool of jellyfish! Hope that your partner catches you!

{Outhouse Cam: Elyssa, holding Fenri's head}

FENRI: Can you say, "That's total suicide?"

{Cut back}

TEX: I...can't trapeze.

CHRIS: Ooh...this should be good, then!

FENRI: Looks like you're back in my care now...

{Bungee, sitting on Fenri's head, squeaks}

{Tex, blindfolded, is waiting for Ryan's call}


{Tex jumps, and almost misses Ryan's hand}

CHRIS: Okay! The Killer Bass have passed the test! Now for the Gophers!

BRUCE: Just say when!

KALE: Now!

{Bruce jumps, and just misses}

BRUCE: Oh crap.

{Bruce gets stung repeatedly}

BRUCE: {garbled screams, since he's underwater}

CHRIS: Bass win! Now...that brings the teams tied two and two. This last challenge decides it!

{Cut to the top of a hill}

CHRIS: The blind tobaggon race! The partner will have to tell the other which way to go, either left or right. And let's go with...Geoff and Ashley...and Tom and Jess.

TOM: Oh no...

{Outhouse Cam: Tom}

TOM: I totally trust Jess...but does she trust me?

{Outhouse Cam: Elyssa and Fenri}

FENRI: I think I've gotten my point across.

{Cut back}

TOM: Let me drive.

JESS: Why? I think I should drive!

TOM: Look, do you trust me enough to let me drive?

JESS: Why should I? You lied to me for the past three weeks with our relationship!

TOM: {sighs} you.

JESS: How should I know?

TOM: Jess...I did lie...but I've made up my mind. I...

CHRIS: Yo! Cancel your love fest and get ready!

TOM: Let's go.

JESS: You can drive.

TOM: Really? Thanks!

{Cut to the top of the hill, Tom and Ashley are blindfolded}

CHRIS: Ready? Go!

{The two tobaggons rush down}

JESS: Left! Left! Right!

ASHLEY: Left! Slightly more to the left!

{After lots of shouting Left and Right later, Tom and Jess cross the finish line first}

CHRIS: The winners, the Screaming Gophers!

{The Gophers all cheer}

TOM: Jess...I...

JESS: I should've been driving!

TOM: W-w-why?

JESS: Because I could so totally trust you!

TOM: Aww...thanks. {the two hug}

CHRIS: Killer Bass, I'll see you tonight.

LUCAS: So we lost. Well, ain't my fault.

GEOFF: It was so your fault!

LUCAS: What?

GEOFF: I think you did something nasty with the blowfish! I may be poisoned for all I know! And Elyssa's screwup...that proves it!

ELYSSA: Proves what?!

GEOFF: Face it. None of you Lucarioes can be trusted!

{Cut to a shot of Lucas, Tex, and Elyssa's faces, all with shocked expressions}

TEX: What...did...

LUCAS: You just...


GEOFF: You are all just decietful aura-slinging liars who can't even get along with each other!

LUCAS: Ryan, hold Fenri.

RYAN: W-w-why?

{Several noises of beating up are heard, Ryan and Fenri are in total shock}

Part 3: Total Drama Wipeout

{Cut to the Campfire}

CHRIS: You've all cast your votes, now it's time to see who loses.

{Outhouse Cam: Elyssa}

ELYSSA: I've never been more insulted in my life!

{Outhouse Cam: Lucas}

LUCAS: Can't trust me? Damn right you can't.

{Outhouse Cam: Fenri}

FENRI: Hey! I got my body fixed! Oh, and I'm voting for Geoff. He was kinda mean.

{Outhouse Cam: TGeoff}

GEOFF: I've always hated Lucas from the earlier days. That guy's not as cool as I thought.

{Cut back}

CHRIS: Whoever does not recieve a marshmallow tonight must walk the Dock of Shame and catch the Boat of Losers, and never come back. Ever. Now, the first marshmallow goes to...Ryan.

CHRIS: Ashley.


CHRIS: Fenri.

CHRIS: Elyssa.

{One marshmallow remains}

CHRIS: And the final marshmallow of the night goes to...

{Lucas looks smug, Geoff has a black eye}

CHRIS: Hm...Lucas.

{Lucas recieves his marshmallow}

CHRIS: Geoff, time to go home.

GEOFF: I knew it. Being stuck with those Lucario brothers and their girl was a pain in the ass. I never want to pair you three up on a team with me again! When you guys go to where the Boat of Losers will take will admire it, but I'll be there to-

LUCAS: Just leave already!

{Cut to the Boat of Losers, Geoff sails away}

CHRIS: And now to decide your new captain. You guys all voted for Lucas, so he's it.

ELYSSA: Wait...but I didn't-

LUCAS: The votes are in. I'm captain now.

{Outhouse Cam: Lucas}

LUCAS: Geoff was right! I can't be trusted! I totally switched the votes! Hahahaha!

{Cue Credits}

Fun Facts

  • This is the second time someone's rigged the votes. The first was back in Episode 8.
  • Geoff hints where the losers go. You may already know if you watch TDI.