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Latest revision as of 16:20, 8 August 2008

Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, Emerl, Wolf

Places: The Beach,

Computer: SkyPod

Date: August 8th, 2008


ARUSEUS: I hear Ryan's making a new character to appear when I get home. I want to meet him so bad.


ARUSEUS: Quiet, you!

{Aruseus clicks the email icon}

Hi, aruseus.

Look, I just got some tragic news, and I need to go somewhere to get my mind off it. Where do you think I should go?

ARUSEUS: {typing} What do I look like, a friggen therapist? I'm not gonna help you with your friggen problem.

WOLF: Then I guess Mr. Newguy will have to wait.

ARUSEUS: Oh, I see. Well, Let's wing it so he can get here faster. Let's help Zooman with his problem.


ARUSEUS: Ok. My favorite method of getting rid of tragic thoughts is to overload myself with lots and lots of video games. And good ones too, like Brawl.

WOLF: Especially if you're angry at someone. If I need to relieve stress, I take it out on Fox.

ARUSEUS: What about Falco?

WOLF: Meh, Falco hates Fox too, so I go easy on him.

ARUSEUS: A'ight then. Wait a sec...

WOLF: What?

ARUSEUS: He said, "Where should I go."

WOLF: Whoops. Erm...

ARUSEUS: I think you could go down the shore with your friends, like we are!

WOLF: Yup! It's fun here, too!

ARUSEUS: And if you need information on what to do here, check out email 51!

WOLF: Or 77!

ARUSEUS: This has been an episode of Dr. Parker and Dr. O'Donnel!

WOLF: See us next week.

{The Paper}

Fun Facts

  • The names "Dr. Parker and Dr. O'Donnel" reference Dr. Phil.