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Place to train Pokemon. Note: You don't really train, it's like daycare. They level up over time.


YURI: Could you teach Soviet Dragon 3 fire-type moves, Please

TRAINING LADY: We could give a mega berry for one attack but it will take a little while to have it learn 3. What mega berry do you want. Name the attack.

BLING:{walks in, throws Huin against a wall} Train him at least one damaging move. He sucks.

YURI: {to Training Lady} I want him to learn Flamethrower, Flare, and Ember.

TRAINING LADY: I guess I can train both. Just be patient. {takes them both in, lights soon go out}

{lights turn back on}

TRAINING LADY: Wow, that was sure a scare. Pachirisu learned discharge and stopped the electricity from flowing for days! And Soviet Dragon learned ember, flame tongue, and sunny day.

BLING: Discharge? Hmm. EXCELLENT. {hugs Huin}


BLING:{covers Huin's mouth} HUIN! If you keep that up, I'll throw you into my backpack of unimaginable pain.

HUIN: Eep.

BLING: Thank you, ma'am. So, do I need to pay anything for this or what?

TRAINING LADY: No, just tell Huin to learn his manners, if he comes back with that attitude, he might get hurt.

BLING:{notices the training woman's metal bat} Erm, that's it? Just a metal bat? I'd use- {reaches into backpack, pulls out medieval flail} -THIS.

TRAINING LADY: Whoever said it was just this?{metal bat turns into sword,then shotgun, that a machine gun-shotgun hybrid} So you get that little brat out of here before I {scope appears on it} snipe him down.

YURI: Thank You Ma'am. {Takes Soviet Dragon} Here's for all your troubles {Hands Training Lady $20}

SOVIET: {spots Training Lady's Weapon} Gymiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! {runs away.}

YURI: Ah, Crap.

BLING: And whoever said that this was definitely a flail? {the flail turns to a ball of dark energy. Bling summons a clone and throws the energy at it. The clone screams bloody murder, it's eyes melt, and it is reduced to sand, which lights itself on fire, turns into glass, and shatters. The glass shards turn into another ball of dark energy, which Bling picks up and eats. His eyes turn red for a split second} I only use it as a flail when their crime isn't against the law.