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(New page: == Summary == Bell has lost a friend, or has he? '''Cast: Narrator, Audience, Im a bell, Unseen Voice, Tracy, Bling, Silhouette, Kurayami "Kuro" Kageshi, Many Innocent Pedestrians''' '''...)
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Latest revision as of 22:31, 14 July 2008


Bell has lost a friend, or has he?

Cast: Narrator, Audience, Im a bell, Unseen Voice, Tracy, Bling, Silhouette, Kurayami "Kuro" Kageshi, Many Innocent Pedestrians

Places: Mailbox, A Cemetery, Bell's House, Downtown Wiki City, A Memorabilia Store, An Adult Animation Store, A Run-Down City Somewhere In New Jersey

Episode Information: 101-The Pain Of Loss Can Drive Even The Most Cold-Hearted Insane

Insult: thick-headed thick-heads

Credit Joke: ME


NARRATOR: Hello. I expect you are wanting the first episode of Records Of Bell, but here's a flashback.

{the audience is heard groaning}

NARRATOR: Shaddup.

{cut from black to Im a bell in front of a mailbox. He is holding a black-bordered envelope}

IM A BELL: A black-bordered envelope? One of the mortals I know must have died without me killing them. {opens envelope, reads it. A tear falls from his eye} Sh-Shadowy Figure died? {crushes envelope, holds fists and face to the sky, crying} NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NARRATOR: Okay, then. Now onto the show.

{cue Opening Theme. Cut to a cemetery. Im a bell walks up to a poorly cared for grave reading "GRENDEL H. SHADLEK[enter]Dictator[enter]2206-2268". He kneels down and cries.}



IM A BELL: What? {looks around} Strange, there's nobody here.

{cut to Bell's house}

IM A BELL:{walks onscreen with Tracy and towards the front door} Hey, Bling! Me and Tracy are going downtown! Wanna come?

BLING:{offscreen} Sure! {runs in}

{Bell opens the door. The three walk out. Cut to downtown Wiki City. Bell drives in and parallel parks his car. The three get out. Bell puts money into the meter}

IM A BELL: Is 5 hours good enough?

TRACY: I suppose. Anyways, Bling and I are gonna go buy some hent-Er-I mean, buy some... Uh... Gottagoseeyabye! {runs off with Bling following him}

IM A BELL: ...That was odd. ...Ah, well.

{cut to a blacklit memorabilia store. Bell is looking at a life-size Alien statue}

UNSEEN VOICE: Was he a friend of yours, Bell?

IM A BELL: What? {turns around, notices a silhouette of someone in a cloak, with spiky hair that's long in the back} Who are you? How do you know my name? And what do you mean "he"?

SILHOUETTE: You were at Shadowy Figure's grave earlier today. You seemed angry.

IM A BELL: Oh. Yes, I'm a friend of Shadowy Figure's. Anyways, who are you?

SILHOUETTE:{steps out of the shadows. he is humanoid, has white hair, a red cloak, and a pitch-black body} My name is Kuryami Kageshi. You can call me Kuro.

IM A BELL:{shakes Kuro's hand} Nice to meet you, Kuro.

KURO: I warn you. I don't play well with others.

IM A BELL: Neither do I. Say, you kinda remind me of Shadowy Figure.

KURO: Well, I am him. Reincarnated, that is.

IM A BELL:{stunned} W-wow. I cannot believe it.

KURO: Neither can I, old friend.

IM A BELL: ... So, um...

KURO: Wanna go destroy a city?

IM A BELL: DEFINITELY! But first, let me do two things. {gets out wallet, walks offscreen. A few seconds later he walks back, and warps away the Alien statue} Okay, one thing down. Wait. Have you experienced warping via reality-bending powers while conscious?

KURO: Yes. Yes I have.

IM A BELL: Good. {grabs Kuro's cloak, warps away}

{cut to a store. except for the floor and door, the background is just white with the word "CENSORED" in red. Tracy and Bling(adult form) are there. Bell and Kuro warp in}

TRACY:{surprised} AAH! H-how did you know we were here?

IM A BELL: It's obvious you would come here. {notices Bling} ...Why are you in that form?

BLING: They don't allow children and/or pets in here, and since in that form I'm pretty much both, I had to use this form.

IM A BELL: Ah. Anyways, Tracy, Bling, this is Kuro. He's the reincarnation of Shadowy Figure.

KURO: Nice to meet you both.

TRACY: The same to you.


KURO: Anyways, c'mon Bell. I heard there's a New Jersey city that is going to be used for nuke testing. We will-Ahem-"clear the area" for them.

IM A BELL: Hehehe.

{Kuro grabs Bell's shoulder, warps away}

TRACY: Huh. Interesting.

BLING: True. Very true.

TRACY:{looks at camera} Could you please go away? We're not here to buy censored hent-

{cut via static to a run-down city. Bell and Kuro warp in}

IM A BELL: Mwahaha. {transforms into Perfect Bell, stands as if he was going to do a Kamehameha wave, summons between his hands a purple ball of energy with light blue lightning expelling from it} I've been wanting to try this for quite some time. PSYCHOTIC HADOKEN!!!!!! {fires a purple Hadoken with a light blue aura into nearby group of pedestrians. The last to be destroyed is a Gumby(a Monty Python's Flying Circus Gumby, not the claymation Gumby)}

KURO: Heh. {raises arm to chest level with palm up. A ball of energy appears above his hand. He throws it at a nearby woman pushing a baby carriage. It hits her, bounces into the baby, and back to Kuro's hand. Both the woman and the baby are destroyed. Kuro grabs part of the energy, and stretches it. The enegy becomes a mace of energy. Kuro swings it into the face of a person, destroying him. Kuro slices the air with the mace, and it becomes a katana of energy. He then slices a person in half. He then squishes the top of the sword, and it becomes a mallet of energy. Kuro then crushes a policeman with it. Kuro then squishes the handle of the mallet, and it becomes a ball of energy again. He then throws the energy ball into a vodka store. It explodes, vaporizing a few people} What do you say to THAT?

IM A BELL: Impressive. VERY impressive.

KURO: I thought so.

{cue credits}