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(Created page with "''{Open to heaven. Bell is sitting on a couch with Sarah. Carol runs in.}'' '''CAROL:''' DADDY! '''BELL:''' ''{hugging Carol}'' Hey, pumpkin! How was school? '''CAROL:''' I...")
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Revision as of 05:03, 14 March 2015

{Open to heaven. Bell is sitting on a couch with Sarah. Carol runs in.}


BELL: {hugging Carol} Hey, pumpkin! How was school?

CAROL: It was great! But...

BELL: But what, sweetheart?

CAROL: One of my arms fell off...


{Bell suddenly realizes Carol has the head of Ryan Bluefox.}

BELL: {screams} Carol?!

{Bell turns to look at Sarah. She now has Raiku's head.}

BELL: {screams louder} SARAH?!

{Bell wakes up on the floor of his house. The cataclysm is going on outside. He gets up and looks around.}

BELL: Carol? Sarah? What the hell-

{Bell is interrupted by crunching and rustling noises. Unholy Tracy walks in from the kitchen, eating some

potato chips.}

UNHOLY TRACY: These are some damn fine ch-BELL?

BELL: Tracy! What's going on? Where did Sarah and Carol go?

UNHOLY TRACY: Sarah's dead, jackass. And who the fuck is Carol?

BELL: Carol's my daughter!

UNHOLY TRACY: You don't have a daughter.

BELL: I was raising her in heaven! I was, I was just there...

UNHOLY TRACY: Pfft. How the hell do you raise a daughter in heaven? Wait, how did you get back here? I

literally merged with your corpse like five minutes ago.

BELL: It... It was so real...

UNHOLY TRACY: What, heaven? Yeah, like you could get into heaven.

BELL: {simultaneously} It couldn't have been a dream... No...

UNHOLY TRACY: Come on, man. Let's- Bell?

{Zoom out to show that Bell has vanished. Unholy Tracy looks around, a little worried. He then looks at his chips, shrugs, and walks back into the kitchen, still eating. As he leaves, a crack in the air forms. Cut to a dark room with a large disc floating in the middle. A caption reads, "FIVE MINUTES AGO." The disc is displaying Bell and Tracy fusing into Unholy Tracy. Standing around the disc are several large monstrosities, watching the events.}

GOD #1: This is it! This is our chance!

GOD #2: What are you on about?

GOD #1: He's dead! We can get rid of Bell once and for all!

GOD #3: And how do you suggest we do that? You know how weaved into the timeline he is!

GOD #4: It would take millennia to regenerate the-

GOD #1: No, no! Look, it's easy! {taps the disc}

GOD #3: Don't touch that!

GOD #1: {simultaneously} Show us the timeline!

{The image on the disc changes to a folded up piece of paper. It unfurls to show a diagram covered in lines and curves. At the end of one line, there is a sticker of Bell affixed to it. The diagram pops out of the disc's screen and lays against it. God #1 reaches down towards the sticker and begins to peel it off.}

GOD #1: All we have to do is just peel the-

GOD #2: Stop that!

{As God #1 peels off the last pieces of the sticker, the end catches on the paper and tears a long strip of the paper off.}

GOD #4: Oh, fuck!

GOD #1: Shit, shit, shit!

{God #1 haphazardly slaps the Bell sticker back onto the timeline. The other Gods are panicking.}

GOD #1: I think I got it, I think I got it! Oh, me! Oh, me!

GOD #2: We're screwed, you jackass!

GOD #3: Do you realize what you've done?

GOD #1: Hold on, hold on, hold on! Chill, chill, chill!

{The commotion dies down.}

GOD #1: Maybe it'll be alright. Maybe nothing will happen.