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(Created page with 'We will make a story below. We can only add three words per edit. <blockquote>'''NAMINE:''' Let the game begin! No, wait, that's four words. Darn it!</blockquote> ==Once upon a...')
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Latest revision as of 22:56, 2 February 2011

We will make a story below. We can only add three words per edit.

NAMINE: Let the game begin! No, wait, that's four words. Darn it!

Once upon a time...

NAMINE: Game's already failing.

A shopaholic bunny

NAMINE: Wait, what? Really?

made up words. He died,

NAMINE: Okay... now what?

but magical purple balloons made him deader.

NAMINE: Doesn't make sense.

After all, seventeen balloons kill stuff.

NAMINE: No, they don't.

Guns don't kill spaghetti, because it's not living anyway.

NAMINE: Finally, some logic!

Then dancing tubas sat down and got to work.

NAMINE: I jinxed it.

Expense reports could change the course of the Earth's Koopa Football Players are really unfunny.

{Namine facepalms.}

Four bowls of our delicious soup had rough sex.

{Namine pukes.}

Brave little toaster toasted toasty toast chocolate covered rooster... Wait a minute...this really sucks.

NAMINE: The beginning should have said something.

Even so, apples get thrown by purple rabid flying rabbit committing felonies on old men.

NAMINE: No, no, no!

The old men had rough sex. No. Just no.

{Namine pukes.}

David Bowie was with Klaus Nomi in a spaceship heading to Neptune in search of Mr. Iggy Pop. Iggy Pop went away to Neverland.

NAMINE: This actually makes sense for once!

The hobo gazed into the striped nether as Bowie murdered some Creepers.

NAMINE: Um... what? This doesn't follow well.

Miss Scarlet grabbed Gutsman's ass and it was slapped. Many frogs marched into Bono's pants and stole his wallet. We have a Dooj button and pressed it twice.

NAMINE: The Dooj button is the best.

Now the Pacman ate ghosts and Klaus Nomi enrolled in college. We all died. Nah, just kidding. Klaus Nomi did. How did he? It was AIDs. Like real life. Gee, that sucks.

NAMINE: Yes, it does.

So anyway, Pacman accidentally swallowed twenty Terran Dominion Ghosts.

NAMINE: So, that's it? That wasn't nearly as bad. Still not good, though. After Dooj button, it went downhill.