(even if you aren't vegan)

Difference between revisions of "Gilligan 'n' Tracy/free4all"

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(Just like the real deal! (you can tell I'm actually starting to enoy this!))
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 16:32, 17 November 2009

GILLIGAN: Hello Tracy, what should we do today?

TRACY: Let's go blow thing up, get into huge fights, break hunderds of laws (including physics), and not get into any sort of trouble!

GILLIGAN: That sounds great!

{The two warp away in a very flashy and stereotypical manner}

{Cut to China}

GILLIGAN: Why are we here?

TRACY: To blow sh** up!

GILLIGAN: Oh! That makes perfect sence!

TRACY: {looks at a building. It suddenly blows up} Yay!

GILLIGAN: I'm gonna go home.

TRACY: Fine. {they warp in the same manner as before}

GILLIGAN: That was fun, but I feel like something's missing from today...

{Chaos enters}

CHAOS: Hello people. I will steal your souls.

GILLIGAN: THERE'S the pointless cameo!

{everyone laughs. The show ends}