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TheDenzel's Interview With Sterrence88

THEDENZEL: Hello. TheDenzel here for TheDenzel's Interview Show. Today's interview is with a good friend of mine, Sterrence88. How's it going?'

STERRENCE88: Prooty good Denzy.

THEDENZEL: Grood. Now, to start off. I think we all know where the "Sterrence" came from. But what about the 88?

STERRENCE88: Well, orriginaly my username was ILikeGrumbleCakes. I forgot the password, so I had to create a new one. So I wanted a cool name. One that was internet savy! So I just assumed users here had numbers after there name as well. Like CoolKid99, the MuffinMan41, or I'mALittleTeaPot55. I also wanted a double letter. I randomly chose 8. Those a baby {crying is heard} was born. And that's how I gots my username!

THEDENZEL: So. As you probably know, I usually ask users about their fanstuffs. Which of yours is your favorite?

STERRENCE88: Tough one. I would have to say a tie. Between Thy Dungeonman Online and My Benj Email's TDO because it was first fanstuff, and it soon became a smash it (its on haitus now until I can finish working on some other fanstuff), and My Benj Emails because it was my first sucsessful email show. This is like, the first time I have recieved ANY emails at all. Go and email him everyone....LIKE NOW! My favorite fanstuff not made by me is your Free Country, USA Caves, TheDenzel! :D

THEDENZEL: Is their anything new and exciting we can look forward too in either TOD or Benj-mail?

STERRENCE88: Well.....let's just say that The Benj's have alot of new stuff in store. The return of Ned the Nerdy Greggo within the next few mails, a cameo appearance by Trevor, and maybe a plotline thrown in? I was never one for the crappy "beat up Sticklyman or Stinkoman clone" plotlines, or the incredibly long, throw in a freakin' Mario character and call him Jeff (No offense to Unguraits Email and the Tuten-Koopa). But expect a "unique" plot if you will. Starting email 10.....coming to a theater near you.

JOHN PINKERTON: Okay, I've had enough of this!

STERRENCE88:, whats the use. Er, TheDenzel, this is John Pinkerton (A.K.A: Mike McNanner). I might be the only person on the wiki that likes Knox Klayworld, so alot of people didn't get when I referenced him. You gotta check it out! Like now! I got John Pinkerton from here: [1]. And this: [2] happens to be my favorite klaymation, and where the Dillydally Ghost is from.

THEDENZEL: Haha. Those Claymations were funny. How did you find them?

STERRENCE88: Kids in school. It just so happens that maybe the biggest fan of them (except for me of course!) is SenorBubs. Oh! And while were at the topic of school, I'll throw in a little fun fact. For our school's talent show, a group of us made a skit of Dangeresque. I was origanly cast as Perduci, but a swap at the end made my Dangeresque Too? :D

THEDENZEL: Wow! So, are there a lot of other kids at your school who like Homestar?

STERRENCE88: Yes. Well LIKED Homestar. My two best friends lost interest and think its stupid now (They played Hot Tub and Dangeresque), and one knows very little (Renaldo) and the other goes on it sometimes.... (Perduici). But one new kid this year who is SenorBubs likes Homestar AND Knox! What a coincidence. But however he doesn't like this wiki that much ): However, yes there was a time where Homestar was enjoyed in our school. He loves the web cartoon, and he likes my userpage (he laughs histericly at the one kid with a gun template).

THEDENZEL: Well, that's kind of how it is at my school. What did everyone think of your skit?

STERRENCE88: Surprisingly it was good! 0_o My mom says we looked like the blues brothers (we wore these weird hats), and things turned out great. There was some editing to be made though. My friend (Dangeresque) changed the line where he says "I was going to get a nun chuck gun" to "I was going to get a chocolate chip cookie" and such. Have to watch out for the little ones! (Pre-K through 8th was watching this, the whole shibang!)

THEDENZEL: Cool. I wish we had stuff like that at my school. Anyway, let's talk about your interactive game, Thy Dungeonman Online. Did you create it?

STERRENCE88: Well, I got it from the vault. A user, stinkoman created it, and I took it and um...made it better. Right now its on haitus though. I'm working on My Benj stuff and other stuff. Speaking of My Benj, the squad is coming up in a new blog. I making it right now!

THEDENZEL: Sweet! What can we expect from that?

STERRENCE88: Not much. Just a look into the life and times of the My Benj Squad. Don't expect one soon, as I'm going to be on vacation for four days, and cannot accsess a computer. So, no updating for me! {restrains hand} No me! No! No more wiki-ing until vacation is OVER!

THEDENZEL: Oh! So we better get this done quickly! Where are you going?

STERRENCE88: Boston, MA. In fact, if you want, we can continue this interview next week. I gotta go, like right now (homework) and I won't be back until I return. Will that be good? Anyways, see ya' until then!

THEDENZEL: Sure. Have fun on your trip, Sterrence88!

STERRENCE88: I'm back...............I had alot of fun in Beantown, but I'm excited to be home! Let the questions reroll Denzy!

THEDENZEL: Beantown? I thought you said you were going to Boston!

{Sterrence88 takes out bean}

STERRENCE88: Aw.......but beans are so squishy and delicious.......and they make mean stew too! (:

THEDENZEL: Okay. How was Boston? Er... Beantown?

STERRENCE88: Good......and full of Red Sox fans. Jeesh.......I saw more "Yankees Suck" shirts then I did pigions on the street! But other then that it was prooty good.

THEDENZEL: Cool. What was your favorite part of the trip?

STERRENCE88: Probobly the Duck Tours (If you're in Philly, NY, Boston ect. you NEED to go on these) or seing a grafiti near our hotel that remined me of Strong Bad. Anyway, can you tell me what the crap has happened since I left?

THEDENZEL: Nothin' much. I'd rather you ask me on my talk page, though. We're almost outta time here, anything you'd like to say before we're done here?

STERRENCE88: {wakes up from nap} Huh wha? Don't nuke me! Seriously, man! Don't do it!

THEDENZEL: Oooooooooooooooookay then. Thanks for stoppin' bye, Sterrence! {shakes his hand} {to audience} This has been TheDenzel's Interview Show. Goodbye.
