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The masked man is here.


CLAM: Keep a close eye, he can be anywhere...

CIPHER: Do we have any way to make sure he'll stay put, and not teleport away?

{He teleports in front of them.}

MASKED MAN: Hello, I am the master of swords.

CLAM: {pulls out handgun and shoots}

{He teleports away.}

JINX: {on tree above them.} Hello, I am JINX!

CIPHER: Why're you trying to wreck the mall, Deadpool wanna-be?

CLAM: And who are you anyway?

JINX: Because, they will destroy the forest if they make it. And I am Jinx, Master of Knives and Swords.

CIPHER: ...Dude. This is an abandoned warehouse. With no forest in sight.

CLAM: Jinx, what's that? {points behind Jinx}

JINX: {points to the forest.} I'm not falling for that.

CLAM: ... {Fires rapidly at Jinx}

{Jinx teleports away.}

CLAM: He's gone. Where did he go?

JINX: Right behind you.

CIPHER: Jinx! Why can't we just negotiate this like civilized p-oh whatever. {fires SMG}

{appears behind Cipher and stabs him in the arm.}

CLAM: Ahh! You hit me, not him! {passes out}


CIPHER: {clubs Jinx over the head with SMG} I like it when villians gloat. They're all the easier to deal with.

{Jinx starts teleporting out of control, and phasing.}

CIPHER: ... What the craaaap?

{Andre grabs his knifes, and stabs him, killing him. Clam wakes up}

CLAM: What happened, Andre?

ANDRE: Jinx is dead.

CIPHER: So, what do we do with the body?

CLAM: Let's take it and give it to Corpse.

ANDRE: Teleporting, No- {they teleport.}