(even if you aren't vegan)

Wikitours/Tour Hub/conchris/house/upstairs

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You walk up the stairs to see a corridor of doors. You look around to get your surroundings.

There are three doors on the left-hand side if you were to look to your left as you climbed the stairs, the top one near the window leads to Cruroar's room. The one next to it is locked tightly with a sign that reads "Test subjects only". The lone door away from the other two doors leads to Conchris' room.

On the right-hand side is three more doors, the door facing the stairs leads to a closet. The door on the right of said door leads to Forest's Room, which is strictly off-limits unless you want your face to get an EXTREME makeover (albeit a horrible one). The door on the left of the closet leads to the bathroom, the door is left slightly ajar and you can easily pick out the toilet and the sink.

I don't need to remind you about what colour the walls/floor are, right? RIGHT?!


  • None

