(even if you aren't vegan)

Remolay's Lair: Let's keep StroHersh alive

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Revision as of 21:27, 29 November 2011 by Remolay (talk | contribs)
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Shalalala, it's the motherfuckin' L-E-X.
This page is part of Grand Ayatollah Lex's Empire.
This page is under protection from the Empire. Any attacks upon it will be reciprocated. buttz.
Remolay (talkcontribs) is a moderator.
You shouldn't have done that.

Raida.... HENSHIN!

Help with a Remolay related issue

Crap I do

Stuntmail - Came to me in a fit of "Why does Sombaf Suck?" And now I've realized that it too sucks, Transplant from the H*R Fanstuff Wiki. I don't even know If I'm still doing this, or I should just riff it all myself
The RemolayRemadin Projects - Still working on it, I swear
RiffText: Wiki Use Email Zoo977 - It causes me pain sometimes.
And I am a part of the current reboot of Wikihood
Also the creator of Poker Night at the WUW

Remolay's Latest Vidya

two more LPs

This just in


I like this idea. It should be used, but what would I do if I was being serious and humorous?

End of line.