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User:Nebs/Challengers' Cup
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< User:Nebs(Redirected from User:Znex/Challengers' Cup)
Greetings, and welcome to the sensational Challengers' Cup, where challengers from all over Planet K fight to win the great Challengers' Cup, and gain the title of The Guy! The Challengers' Cup opens on February 16th, so be sure to send in your entries before then!
[hide]Current Entries
- Stinkoman(can be controlled by anyone)
- Znex
- Stink-UP
- Zephyroth
- Chaos(and all pending or non-pending forms in the works of KingChaos Inc.)
- TheUp
- Spudman V 4.2
- Timmy the Talking Toilet (NPC)
- Raisinman (NPC)
- Challenger Z (NPC)
- Bubsgonzola (NPC)
- Greg (NPC)
- The Robot Torch (NPC)
- Fox Mccloud(Starfox;NPC)
- Wolf 'O Donnel(Starfox;NPC)
- Falco Lombardi(Starfox;NPC)
Current Matches
Cup isn't open yet.
Previous Matches
Cup isn't open yet.
Cup Rules
- These matches are NOT deathmatches, so be careful of what attacks you use, otherwise, you shall be disqualified.
- The match must be at least 40 lines for it to be declared finished.
- If a competitor is down for more than ten seconds, then the opposing competitor is declared the winner, however, this is only valid after the match length reaches 40 lines.
- This cup is set in 20X6, not 2008, so post your 20X6 forms, not your normal forms.
Current Match Results
Cup isn't open yet.
Competitor Profiles
Here. Feel free to add your info.