(even if you aren't vegan)
Name - Tahu Nahassapeemapetilon
Gender - Male
File - Tahu is known for being random. He can also transform into anything he wants! His forms are:
Prehistoric - Tahugg
Medieval - Sir Nuva
1936 - Tahooligan
20X6 - Tahu 2.0
40X6 - Tahu 2.5
9XX2 - Glitch
Evil - Uhat
Name - Porygonlover322
Gender - Male
File -Porygon, an immigrant from Mobius, is known for his serious nature and firey eyes. His forms are:
Prehistoric - Porygoon
Medieval - Fox-boy
1936 - Pony
20X6 - Toaster
40X6 - Toaster Redesigned
9XX2 - Toaster Apocalypse
Evil - N/A
Name - Chollf
Gender - Female
File - Chollf is truly a mystery wrapped in an enigma and smothered in Unknown Sauce. All that is known about her is her strange gun that can shoot portals from one place to another and her strange non-relation to Wolf. Her forms are:
Prehistoric - Chug
Medieval - Noble Steed
1936 - Guinea Pig
20X6 - Portal
40X6 - Portal 2.0
9XX2 - The Ender
Evil - Qwerty Uiop
Name - Dracula Alucard
Gender - Genderless
File - Dracula is a mysterious Dry Bones who was supposedly a childhood friend of Tahu's. Not much else is known.
He is immortal, and therefore has no forms.
Yet to Come
Rambo Cricket
Name - Rambo Cricket
Gender - Male
File - Jiminy Cricket's long lost brother, he wants to kill everybody. With a very small harpoon gun. Let's all run like frightened rabbits.
No one can get close enough to learn his family tree.
Interactives Only
Tahu's... Girlfriend? Yes, she is sort of like Marzipan, always breaking up and coming back to Tahu.
No forms for Interactive characters.