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Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/Samtheman.egg

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Opening Comments

SKUB: Good Lord. It feels like it's been forever!

CHWOKA: Time is an illusion. Merely the observation of the slowly dying.

SKUB: Chwoka do not start this or I swear. I swear I am turning this car around.

CHWOKA: Submitted for your approval, four men, each without the power to make their own mettle without resorting to feeding off of others. Little do they know, that's all about to change...

SKUB: Don't say it!

CHWOKA: the twilight zone.

SKUB: Kill me. Kill me forever.

BLUEBRY: Kill you softly?

SKUB: Kill me hard.

BLUEBRY: So you want me to hardly kill you?

NACHOMAN: This conversation is awful nihilistic.


Welcome to Samtheman.egg Welcome to Samtheman.egg, WUW Version.


SKUB: Wake me up at the end of the period guys

On July 26, 2007 Sam The Man joined the wiki. He decided to make an email show about himself as the main character. He viewed the guidelines and started one.

BLUEBRY: viewed. not read but viewed

The topic of the Email Tryout and now email was based on his favorite sport, baseball. The Tryout was successful, receiving no votes to decline.

SKUB: Mostly because nobody had seen or cared about the Email Tryout.

After about a year, a huge Purge called the Great Fanstuff Purge of 2008 swept away everything, leaving the best fanstuff on the new browser. Sametheman.egg was not on the list,

SKUB: And I wonder why.

and was restarted here on the WUW (along with most Wiki User Email shows).


Season 1: Born To Check Emails

1 long john sam
2 rival

SKUB: We only have to look at one of them? That's actually a relief.
Bonus and NQE

1 1/2 number

> Click here to e-mail Sam the Man
> Click here to also e-mail Sam the Man in his inbox


With so many characters in Samtheman.egg, we have to have a page for them!

SKUB: Oh, well that's good. Wouldn't want to miss out on the complex backstory of "Harold"

Major Characters

SKUB: How apt.

Minor Characters

SKUB: What, was "Shadow" or "Chaos" taken?
BLUEBRY: they were too unoriginal or something i guess


There are many places in Samtheman.egg, so we have to list them.

SKUB: You do not. You really do not.


BLUEBRY: is his room not in his house
SKUB: You said you'd list them all! What a cop-out.

Scroll Button Songs

Song Emails
"Scrolling like you've never seen. You wish had those scroll buttons. But you can't have them, there already mine. {evil laugh}. I mean, go scroll buttons. long john sam - ???
SKUB: That's a song. That's a hit single.


Also check this out!

SKUB: Lists basically rule, guys.