(even if you aren't vegan)
Kirbychu's Summer Resort/Outdoor Pool
Look: A regular pool in a fenced pool enclosure. There is a hot tub and a pool storage area.
Status: Open
MICAH: Get Ye Pool.
{zoo, dot, and albino walk outside, each of them in swim suits. they immediatly try diving to the bottom}
{Sephiroth runs in, and pushes Micah out of the way. He jumps into the Hot tub.}
{Raiku runs in and pushes Micah in the pool. He also gets in the hot tub.}
{dot comes up from the bottom of the pool. shes holding a water gun}
DOT: Yay! {tosses the gun. it almost hits raiku in the head but he dogdes. she then tosses a rock, which knocks out sepiroths wisdom tooth. she then looks into the pool} Where's zoo?
SEPHIROTH: That's it! You're going down {BEEP}!! {Gets out a giant Bazooka.}
DOT: Whoops! {chucks a rock at the fence. the beeping stops. then dot sinks into the pool} Sink.
{albino pops up from the water}