(even if you aren't vegan)
Inside Ted's Head/modpack
- With reference to "Minecraft Day[s]", a Minecraft Day is a 20-minute long cycle through day in night in-game.
- Server administrators and the maintenance team of a given server are referred to as "Clouders". These come in two types; Passive Clouders, who are simply present and aren't meant to impact the game, and Integrated Clouders, who play the game as well as administrate.
- The given lengths of the phases are representations of an intended game length and the mod is designed around making the experience last roughly as long as stated in the rules. The length of the game is a gentleman's agreement, and need not be followed strictly. The Length of phases can be altered to change the overall length of the game, but balance issues may arise therein.
Phase 1: Preparation
The first phase takes roughly 20 Minecraft Days(approx. 10 hours) to complete.
The players are divided into a number of teams of varying numbers and sizes. Assuming you have a 20-slot server and 2 Clouders, 6 teams of 3 would be an acceptable setup. In a server with no Clouders or Integreated Clouders as many as 10 teams of 2 is possible, though it is recommended that factions are at least 2 people big, discouraging 20 solo players, as well as there being a dedicated number of Clouders to allow for alternating shifts to alleviate pressure on one particular Clouder.
Teams can disband of their own will during the first Phase, but there is no direct PvP and no team can be eliminated through combat, nor can you capture prisoners of war. There is no limit to the size of a team, meaning that a team can represent just one person. However, teams cannot increase in size during the first phase.
The purpose of the first phase is to gather resources and build bases on the Overworld. The Overworld is always a neutral zone; Players cannot fight in the Overworld under any circumstances. Teams are given starting resources based on their size and are advised to build a central base and gather sufficient resources to travel to alternate dimensions. Though PVP is discouraged, bases can be trapped so that players will have difficulties getting to where your dimensions and capture points will be. Teams should build weapons and armor to keep themselves safe as well as vehicles to maneuver through the worlds they will travel to. A Nether Portal and an End Portal are also recommended. Players who find Strongholds can use the portal from Strongholds.
At the dawn of the day after the last day of the first phase(the 21st in-game day), all teams will be given access to a flag, a gate, and a turret. The Gate is used to travel to one of the dimensions, given to a team. Teams should not get duplicate gates, and gates to other dimensions can be found within the dimensions themselves, meaning that one gate can effectively bring any player anywhere in the multiverse. The Second Phase then begins.
Phase 2: Planeswalking
The second phase takes roughly 10 Minecraft Days(approx. 5 hours) to complete.
In Phase 2, the respective teams will travel to their given dimension and be able to explore it independently. The Flags they have given will need to be placed as soon as they enter so that they can establish themselves as the owners of that dimension. After a dimension is captured by a team, they can build a base around the flag and arm it with a turret to keep it safe. From here on in, players will have to construct additional turrets and flags to capture different points. Only one flag can exist in a dimension at a time, and the current flag must be destroyed to put a new flag up. Within these dimensions, there are a number of new threats, dungeons, and rewards awaiting each team that enters them. This dimension is the necessary control point for the teams. Their bases in the overworld will not be compromised, but these bases are entirely fair game. To that effect, PvP is enabled while in the dimensions, but Prisoners of War is still disabled; To that effect, there is no penalty to death from PvP, besides the potential loss of your given dimension, requiring you to capture a new one or take yours back.
In addition, the gate given to you has a plethora of gates within it. You can find routes to virtually any dimension through just one gate. To find the other gates in a dimension, you must craft special tracker devices that will allow you to pinpoint nearby gates. In addition, you can build gates to specific dimensions with costly material components, should you be so fortunate to find them. There is no limit to how many bases one can establish in the time period short of your own human capabilities.
At the dawn of the day after the last day of the second phase(the 31st in-game day), all teams are notified that the Third Phase has begun. Players are all given a boost to level 30 with which they can enchant items with enchanting tables should they have them, and the third phase begins.
Phase 3: Gatecrashing
The third phase has no set duration, and lasts until either all but one of the teams is eliminated or all dimensions are captured by one team.
In Phase 3, all out war begins. Teams are encouraged to infiltrate other teams' dimensions and capture their dimensions from them. infiltrating their overworld bases is acceptable, and there is no restrictions to PvP within the dimensions. A base's turrets must be destroyed before a flag can be taken down. Then a new flag must be erected for the dimension to gain new control.
In Phase 3, new options become available to players who defeat their enemies. The defeated player can agree to become a Prisoner of War, being converted to the side of the other team and becoming a member of a new faction, or to go Rogue, in which you lack any ties to a respective faction and are allowed to do anything. Anyone can fight Rogues in the overworld, including other Rogues. No Rogues are formally tied to one another, but are allowed to form their own private groups and ties. During Phase 3, beds do not function in the overworld. Players that are killed will respawn either in the dimension they died in at the gate they entered through, or at the regular spawn point if they go Rogue.
Players can also opt to be executed, which turns their character into a psuedo-Clouder, allowing them to spectate the events of the game for the rest of its duration, leaving at their leisure.