(even if you aren't vegan)
Inside Ted's Head/jojocraft
[hide]Stats System
Player Statistics
- Level - A measure of gathered experience, which is then converted into levels. Levels are used to upgrade stats, enchant equipment, and to use the Anvil.
- Vitality - This stat measures your natural heartiness and fortitude. The two stats that Vitality directly influences are Health and Hunger.
- Health - The amount of damage you can take before you die. Damage comes from mobs, projectiles, and certain aspects of the environment. Health regenerates over time above a certain level of Hunger. This stat can be leveled up.
- Hunger - A measure of energy you can expend to perform certain tasks, such as gathering resources and running. Losing half of your hunger stops natural Health regeneration. At 0 Hunger, you cannot gather resources or sprint. Hunger automatically increases in capacity and decreases faster as Health is leveled up.
- Strength - This stat represents your sheer power, force, and capability when provided enough energy. The two stats that Strength directly influences are Damage and Carrying Capacity.
- Damage - This is the amount of damage you do when unarmed or wielding anything that isn't a weapon, a sheer measure of a typical punch or an improvised wepaon. This stat can be leveled up.
- Carrying Capacity - How much equipment you can carry across your thirty-six inventory slots. The base value starts at 20 Kilograms, and increases as your Strength does. Carrying Capacity automatically increases in capacity and decreases faster as Damage is leveled up.
- Agility - Speed is a representation of your ability to quickly move and maneuver around your environment, as well as your typical acrobatic capabilities.
- Speed - Determines your base movement speed on land, which is then amplified depending on various factors, such as when swimming or sprinting. The base value on land is 4 meters(4 blocks) per second. This stat can be leveled up.
- Jump/Fall - The height, in meters, which you can jump up to, and the amount of distance you can fall before suffering damage. Jump/Fall automatically increases in capacity and decreases faster as Movement is leveled up.
Non-stat Based Statistics
- Defense - Reduces incoming damage from mobs, and from certain environmental hazards. Defense points come from armor and accessories. Heavier equipment can weigh down a character with low Strength.
- Mana - To be added at a later date. Affects ability to cast spells, and works like health in all other respects. May also affect what levels of magic you can use. This stat can be leveled up.
Upgrading Statistics
To level up a stat, it is required that you gather a requisite amount of experience Levels to do so. When you've reached the desired amount for your stats, enter the Stats Tab of your inventory to upgrade your stats. Subsequent stat improvements cost more levels.
1 Level of Vitality Increases your maximum Health by 1 heart, or 2 points of Health(represented by stacking a new layer of hearts on top of the current one; The first layer is orange, the one following is a golden yellow). Every 2 stat points of Health also increases your hunger by 1 drumstick.
1 Level of Strength Increases the base damage of your unarmed attacks by half of a heart, or 1 point of damage. When wielding weapons, this bonus damage extends to your weapons by rolling and adding the bonus damage to your weapon attacks randomly on hit. Every 2 points of strength also increases your carrying capacity, increasing your carrying capacity to 10%.
1 Level of Speed Allows you to move 10% farther in meters per second per level. Every 2 levels of Speed also increases the height at which you can jump and fall before taking damage by 1 each.
Stat Value | XP Levels Needed |
* - Every stat point increase past 10 will cost 30 XP Levels. The base cap of stats in the mod is 20, but this number can be expanded by editing the gamerule statLevel
Weapon Statistics
- Damage - The damage range of a weapon that it deals on a hit. This range includes your base damage, and includes the bonus damage granted from high Strength.
- Weight - The weapon's weight determines how fast you can swing it, by comparing the number to your speed score and subtracting it to determine your total swing speed with that weapon. Lighter tools can be swung faster.
- Range - How far the weapon reaches from you, in squares. Ranged equipment has varying ranges based on how long you charge it before firing, and will express this statistic as a range.
- Type - The type of damage the weapon deals, between Melee, Ranged, and Magic. Determines the criteria under which you score critical hits. Ranged Weapons score critical hits when they're fully charged, melee weapons critically hit when charging towards the enemy. Magic is currently not implemented and does not have a way to score critical hits.
- Durability - How many attacks you can make with a weapon before it breaks. Broken weapons don't function until repaired at an Anvil.
- Knockback - How far your attacks with this weapon knock a target back on-hit, measured in squares. Heavy and melee weapons often score higher amounts of Knockback.
Armor Statistics
- Defense - The bonus to Defense Armor grants, which reduces incoming damage from attacks. Damage reduction is represented as a percentage reduction from all incoming damage. Better quality armor grants more defense stats.
- Weight - How heavy the armor is to wear. This factors into your carrying capacity based on Strength. When out of Hunger, armor will slow you down regardless of your carrying capacity and current weight.
- Conductivity - Chance of Magic spells failing through the equipment. Most Metal armors and particularly unwieldy armor types incur difficulties casting Magic. Conductivity is represented as a percentage chance for a spell to fail upon casting it. Light and magically-attuned armors have less Conductivity.
- Durability - How much damage Armor can absorb for you before it breaks. Broken Armor cannot be worn and does not grant defense until it is repaired at an anvil.
New Inventory UI
Equipment Tab
The Equipment Tab shows your current equipped armor pieces and accessories, as well as the stat bonuses from your gear. Unique effects still require you to mouse over the equipment however.
Stats Tab
Shows your current set of statistics, with adjustments, as well as the benefits of the stats. When you level, this is where you'll be able to up your stats.
Crafting Tab
Includes the crafting menu, allowing you to craft items with a 4x4 punnet. This allows you to make simple items and tools with your bare hands.
Talent Tab
This tab is currently disabled, but when it is enabled will allow you to pick a Talent. Talents costs 30 Experience levels a piece, but allow you to gain special passive effects that can greatly shape your character into a particular, more focused kind of character to match your playstyle. Each character can have a maximum of 3 talents at once active, and a player can know any number of Talents. Before a Talent can be learned, it must be acquired in the form of a manual. Manuals can be received by trading with Villagers, or some can be found in dungeon chests. When you pick your 3 talents, you will be given a bonus 4th Talent based on the 3 you picked; This represents a Capstone Talent, as well as a special focused ability that compliments the selection of Talents you selected.
Villager Questing System
Quest Types
Quest-Giving NPCs
Note: All magic weapons are currently found in the creative tab and are available for testing in creative mode. They have not yet been fully implemented into the game.