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{The scene opens up in Garfield's room of The Apartment. He arrives into it, from a door he opened.}

GARFIELD: Yare yare dawa.

{Garfield collapses on his bed, planting his face into a pillow. His phone begins glowing nearby, which he hears. Groaning briefly, he checks it.}

GARFIELD: ...hrm?

{Garfield proceeds to put his fingers on the phone, as if to text.}

GARFIELD: Well, it would seem one of my companions from long ago, Stephanie Young, has decided to arrive in good ol' Towningdale.

LEX: {offscreen} It's Townindale, mon!

GARFIELD: ...Very well.

{Garfield gets up. He goes over and sprays a perfume with the mathematical symbol for Aleph as its logo on himself. He then briefly changes clothes to a magenta suit and a dark blue tie. He puts on a Dr. Seuss hat, and proceeds to depart from his room into the "living room," where he is spotted by Chaos.}

CHAOS: Just where do you think you're going, looking like that?

GARFIELD: An outing.

CHAOS: You look fruity.

GARFIELD: I presumed it was in-style.

CHAOS: ...whatever.

{Chaos facepalms.}

CHAOS: {muffled} I really don't want to know what outing you're going on.

{Garfield fiddles with his phone and plays Chun Li by Nicki Minaj on his way out. Zoom out to reveal that Garfield is travelling to a nearby towne, known as Bluehaven. There's also a "?" icon heading towards the same town. Zoom out to reveal that Garfield and Stephanie are sitting at a table.}

GARFIELD: Well, Stephanie, I made it...

STEPHANIE: Despite my directions?

GARFIELD: No, I needed them.

STEPHANIE: How've you been?

GARFIELD: Long story short, one of Lex's old time buddies got out of prison and sometimes gives me a headache.

STEPHANIE: He isn't too keen on just living things out in an apartment so you can still be friends with Volkov, is he?

{Garfield shakes his head.}

GARFIELD: Lex's luck with jobs is also not looking bright. But, I admire his perseverance.

{Cut to Lex's job at the mattress store. Garfield arrives with sub sandwiches.}

GARFIELD: Lex, I figured you might've been famished, so I-

{Garfield blinks and looks around to find that the lot is empty.}

LEX: It's been surprisingly calm.

GARFIELD: ...I think you've been conned again.

LEX: What?

GARFIELD: This area's been abandoned, and those pesky Rosenbergs wanted to demolition it and remodel the place.

LEX: ...ohhhhhhhh

{Lex closes his eyes, and shakes his head.}

GARFIELD: I'm going to take the Chaos Route and call dibs on all these mattresses. Maybe we can sell what we can't store in the garage...

{Garfield cracks his knuckles.}

GARFIELD: ...I've got a date with whomever set you up with this dead-end job.

{Cut back to Stephanie and Garfield.}

STEPHANIE: Some date that must've been, eh?

{Stephanie lets out an awkward laugh.}

GARFIELD: I can assure you that I was nothing but a gentleman towards them.

{Cut to Garfield at the interview booth, wielding ties around his wrists and two makeshift pistols.}


{Cut back to Stephanie and Garfield. Stephanie's face looks a little more pale.}

STEPHANIE: ...that might explain why your bounty went up.

GARFIELD: ...bounty?

STEPHANIE: Long story.