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Wiki User Email Zoo977/asparagus

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{cuts to a grey room. A view of a living room is here, wtih aklt in it. marissa is filming. All that is in the back of the orom. A red frisbee flis onscreen, and is caught by a hand in a green sleeve. The screen , with a white shirt that has a blue X on it on. He is wearing orange pants, and a green cape.}

KID: Catch! {tosses the frisbee offscreen. an "ow!" is heard} Whoops.

{a white rose lovely with a wheeled flower pot rolls onscreen, angered}

ROSE LOVELY: Blatona, you're dead.

KID (BLATONA): I didn't mean to, randa. I was throwing at my robot.

{an orange robot on white limbed legs walks onscreen.}

ROSE LOVELY (RANDA): Oh. Anyways, where's our acting coach?

DOT: {walks onscreen.} Hey, randa. Nice to see you, blatona. And, um... It's also nice to see this rustbucket. I see you have found the shooting area for scenes in the living room. And the red frisbee.

RANDA: Nice to see you too.

DOT: First off, you may notice the cabinet behind you. It contains all of our soon to be released DVD's.

BLATONA: {grabs a dvd. he pulls it out, showing it's labled asparagus.} What's this?

DOT: It's best you didn't know.
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination
"It's best you didn't know."

RANDA: Why? Asparagus is good for you.

DOT: Sort of. Follow me.

{everyone begins walking offscreen. cuts to a room with another stage. A lot of water is on the floor of the stage, and a bunch of dials are next to it. the four walk in. there is a boat on the stage, with maloa on it}

DOT: Here is one widely used scene, used for scenes like on the cruise ship, the burial, and even in the background of the beach.

RANDA: So that describes the boat?

DOT: Correct.

BLATONA: Hey, maloa! {waves at the boat}

MALOA: Are these the new actors?

DOT: Yep!

MALOA: Nice to meet you. {dot turns one dial, causing the boat to turn. she turns another, so it moves towards the kids. he gets off the boat, and shakes hands with blatona} And... how do I shake hands with you?

RANDA: That would be an issue.

MALOA: If there are an questions you want to ask, just come to me, OK?

RANDA: We do have one: What's on the asparagus DVD?

MALOA: It's a- {dot turns the boat, hitting maloa into the water}

DOT: Secret.

MALOA: {gets up from the water} Why can't they know?

DOT: It should be fairly obvious.

{the four walks offscreen again.}

MALOA: Hm... I think they should know...

{cuts to a room with the set for the kitchen. Yvonne is here, grating some lemons. the four walk in}

DOT: And here is the kitchen. This is where most kitchen scenes are shot. This is even the kitchen that was used on the cruise ship.

YVONNE: Are these the new recruits?

BLATONA: {frightened} We're going into war?!?

DOT: Yes, they are new here. No, you are not going to war.

RANDA: It should have been obvious. That's what asparagus meant!

DOT: Erm... yes! Yes it did.

YVONNE: Want to try a cookie? {holds out a lemon cookie}

RANDA: I don't take cookies from slightly creepy TV actors.

DOT: They aren't poisoned.

RANDA: In that case, {quickly eats the cookie} ...YUM YUM!

DOT: May I speak with you for a moment, yvonne?


DOT: {picks up a loudspeaker} Everyone please report to behind the kitchen set.

{cuts to behind the kitchen set. marissa, maloa, dot, yvonne, zorax, wendy, xaviar, and kalt are standing there.}

KALT: What's this about?

DOT: Asparagus.

MALOA: Shouldn't they just know?

ZORAX: Yeah! It's just a vegetable!

XAVIAR: Zorax, please go drink a gallon of castor oil.

ZORAX: Will do! {floats offscreen}

WENDY: Speaking of which, why must we film in stages based off of rooms in our house?

DOT: Maloa, you should know. Wendy, what would you do if you went to bed, thinking you were being filmed?

WENDY: Good point.

DOT: Still, there has to be some way to stop them from watching it.

MALOA: I say, they watch it.

DOT: Please go join zorax.

{maloa kicks dot}

MALOA: I need some fruit punch. {walks offscreen}

{cuts to inside the kitchen set. randa is eating a whole tray of cookies. maloa walks onscreen}

MALOA: Yvonne made cookies?

RANDA: {incomprehendable talking}

MALOA: Ok... Why do you guys want to know what's on the asparagus tape so bad?

BLATONA: Well, Dot said we could watch all of the videos in the cabinet, but told us not to watch asparagus.

MALOA: It's best you watch it.

RANDA: Is this a trick?

MALOA: We just need to wait. Meet me by the cabinet at 8 tonight. Now, pass me some fruit punch.

{randa hands maloa some fruit punch. he walks offscreen}

{cuts to back where the kids are}

DOT: -And zombie eyes are always yellow!

MALOA: {walks onscreen} And that means I missed too much.

DOT: Yes, you did.

MALOA: How much can one miss in a few seconds?

WENDY: A lot.

MALOA: ...I'm going back to the boat scene. {walks offscreen}

DOT: I have the sudden urge to drop a melon on zorax's head, and see which one breaks. {walks offscreen}

{cuts to dot's bedroom. dot runs in, and sits at her desk. she picks up a pencil}

DOT: So, lets see. First off, I will use that old kids spyware device from 1st grade.

{cuts to the guest room.}

BlATONA: Flour.

RANDA: Check.

{cuts back to dots room.}

DOT: I will switch the case asparagus is in.

{cuts back to the guest room}

BLATONA: Make sure to check the case.

{Cuts to dots room}

DOT: And I'll leave marissa at guard.

{cuts to the guest room}

RANDA: And I've got the bubbly azurite!

{dots room appears on a split screen}

DOT: I'm ready.

BLATONA: {in unison} We're ready.

{cuts to the filming studio. dot sneaks in, and walks up to the drawer. she opens it, and takes out a few black circles}

DOT: First, to set the trip wires. {opens the cabinet. she puts them in, and takes out the asparagus tape and the third season tape. she quickly switches them around.} Then, mix them up. {closes the cabinet, holds up a remote. presses a button on it.} MARISSA!

MARISSA: {runs in} Yeah?

DOT: I need you to guard this tonight.

MARISSA: Got it.

{a black screen with "at 8 o'clock" on it appears. marissa is still there. maloa walks in, wearing his pajamas}

MARISSA: What are you doing?

MALOA: Just wondering what this is. {holds up the azurite.}

MARISSA: Where'd you find that?

MALOA: In a rabbit hole in the front yard.

{marissa rushes off. the three quietly sneak in}

MALOA: {opens the cupboard} Pass the flour.

{blatona opens a bag of flour, and puts it in maloas hand. he blows bently on it, causing it to go into the cabinet. a camera view shows a light green light. cuts back}

MALOA: Just as I suspected. {reaces his hand in a weird way. pulls out the asparagus tape, and looks at it. he pulls out all the other tapes, and the four rush off}

{cuts to dots room. dot is in her bed, asleep. she gets up, revealing she is wearing pajamas. cuts to the filming studio. she walks in. she looks at the open cabinet, and rushes up to it}


{cuts to maloa's room. the four rush in. maloa moves a rug, and pushes the three in}

MALOA: No one else knows about that room! {gets in the hole himself, moves the rug back into place. after 2 seconds, dot rushes in}

DOT: Hm... not in here... {rushes out}

{cuts to a small, green room. there is a couch here, facing a TV on a table. there is a desk in the back with a computer on it. a rack of fancing sabers is in the corner. the four fall in from a hole in the cieling.}

MALOA: Here.

RANDA: Wait, that couch is too small for the four of us.

{maloa walks to the arm of the sofa, and pushes a button, unfolding a fold up bed. the four get on the bed, and maloa puts a DVD in the TV. he pushes a button on it. the camera angle goes to the screen. ther is static that fades to }