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Strong Bad's Glorious Text Adventure!

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Revision as of 23:40, 21 December 2008 by Color Printer (talk | contribs) (OMG YOU CAN GO IN THAT GAME NO WAY)
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Welcome to Strong Bad's Glorious Text Adventure! Where you get to play as me, the very awesome and very suave Strong Bad. Not only will you get to play as me in all my awesomeness, but you will hear my sultry voice narrating the game! And by 'hear', I mean 'read'. And by 'sultry voice', I mean 'somewhat unattractive text'. So are you ready? Here we go! We're going to the, to the gaaaaaaaaaaaaaame! -Strong Bad

A really cool text adventure made by me, Color Printer.

When The Stick goes missing, only one man is unqualified enough to go find it: Strong Bad! Solve the mystery! Explore the Homestar world nearly recreated detail by tiny detail!* Do everything the Strong Bad way!

Cast: Strong Bad, Rhino

Places: House of the Brothers Strong, The Field, RhinoFeeder, Blue Fadey Land

NOTE: As I add characters and places to the game, I will put them in this list...unless I want their inclusion to be a surprise, in which case, I will add them shortly after I finish the game...which will be a long way off.

COMING ONE DAY! But not in the near future. STAY TUNED FOR MORE INFO!

*Really, I'm not freaking kidding. From the couch patch, to the smoke detector in the living room, to the Cool Tapes graffiti on Marzipan's wall, it's almost all there. Really. I had to throw together a map of Strong Bad's House myself, however. That thing is an inconsistent mess.

Quotes and stuffs

Almost everything in this game references the world of Homestar Runner. Take this quote, for example:

A patch patching the couch. It was needed when someone had some bad gumbo. And certainly not to cover up a comment about Carla Lewis. (when looking at the couch patch)

Sometimes, inconsistencies or oddities are poked at:

It's pukish yellow. Bleh. You never liked it, but it was better than the ugly old orange flooring. Strangely, this carpet doesn't even cover the entire floor. (when looking at the carpet in the Computer Room)

And sometimes, Strong Bad just tries to be funny. Or himself. Or both.

A guy with no shirt, black pants, boxing gloves,, and a Mexican wrestle-style mask. He appears to be rather attractive-Hey, wait a minute! How can you look at yourself anyway? Do you have mirror vision or something? (when looking at yourself)
A Trogdor arcade game. Your highscore flashes on screen. It reads, wait, that's The, wait a second time. That's yours. Yeah. Totally. (when looking at the Trogdor arcade cabinet)
You are in Sir Dumpus's Room....OKAY, fine! You're in Strong Sad's room! (description of Strong Sad's room)

This game even features other worlds of Homestar Runner, and you can visit them with your trusty Game Boy in a Blender! First you have to find your Game Boy, though.