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{the screen opens into a spaceship, Zoo and Albino inside it. Zoo is there in a sci-fi space suit. Albino is in another space suit, also sci-fi-ish}

ZOO977 (SILVER): Scrap, where are we?

ALBINO (SCRAP): We're right around Mas Repus, sir!

SILVER: That's good! Then were righ- wait, why are we turning?

SCRAP: I don't know!

SILVER: We're too close to that black hole! Sharp turn left!

SCRAP: Got it! {turns the wheel as far left as possible. Silver and Scrap go under turbulence, then the shps breaks free}

SILVER: Good work!

SCRAP: Bad news! I can't turn the wheel!

{an outside view shows the ship spinning out of controle. it crashes into a green planet.}

{cuts to the planet. scrap and silver climb out of their ship, into a land that appears to be yellow orange}

SCRAP: Bad news! Our ship can't lift off for a few hours!

SILVER: How will we get that?

{a little green alien walks up to scrap}

SCRAP: Hi there!

{the green alien liquisien, into a green oozes. it begins to grow}

SILVER AND SCRAP: Worse news: I dont know where we are!

{the liquified alien attacks scrap, who jumps out of the way. the alien dsissolves}

SILVER: So that's how the aliens attack?

SCRAP: It would be wisest to find out why they attack!

{silver and scrap lie down an apple and a rock. an alien comes up, liquifies, takes the apple, and leaves}

SILVER: So their trying to cook us?

SCRAP: Apparently. But we only have enough food for 3 days.

SILVER: We need to substitute!

SCRAP: With what? This planet is made of rocks!

SILVER: What about our ship? Anything besides food on there?


SILVER: Well then, grab our guns!

SCRAP: {walks into the ship, and comes out with two guns} Here, Silver!

SILVER: Now, to find the source of these aliens!

SCRAP: {notices a cave} Should we travel in there?

SILVER: Hmm... Maybe.

{cuts to silver and scrap walking in a cave. weird green glows come from tiny holes in the wall}

SILVER: Scrap, pass me the micro-microscope!

SCRAP: Here. {holds a small device, which silver grabs.}

SILVER: {holds the devise up to one of the holes} Why... thousands are in there!

SCRAP: How will we stop this?!?

SILVER: We need to find the leader! Destroy him, and we will be able to leave throughout the mourning!

SCRAP: Wonderful idea!

{an alien walks up to silver and scrap. scrap blasts it with his gun. it sinks into the ground}

SILVER: I have an idea!

{cuts to a big cave, with thousands of aliens walking around. a giant blast comes through the cave, causing them all to sink. silver and scrap walk up

SCRAP: Even though this was a great idea, these guns are for SMALL CREATURES!

{cuts to silver and scrap following a faint light in an extremely dark cave}

SILVER: If the leader isnt down here, I dont know where he is!

SCRAP: Just follow the light!

{cuts to a giant cave, with a big glowing alien in it. silver and scrap walk in}

SILVER: {whispering} dont try and wake him up!

GIANT ALIEN: You really think you can destroy me, dont you?


SCRAP: GOT IT! {throws a box labled c-bomb into the giant alien}

GIANT ALIEN: Even thouugh you've doomed me, you've also doomed your selves!

SILVER: {shots a blast at the top of the cave, making a crawl space out} Oh yeah?

{silver and scrap climb up the alien, and out the hole. cuts to a scene of the ship leaving the planet, as a giant explosion is scene. the screen fades to black.}