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Ben and Alex visit The United States of America/Alabama

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ben and alex find themselves in the heart of dixie where they run into some craaaaaazy civil war shananigans!!!!!


{Ben and Alex have just touched down in Birmingham International Airport, Alabama. They are both decked out in the coolest British tourist gear, with cowboy hats and cameras.}

ALEX: Hot diggity damn, Ben! We're finally in the Ol' U-S-Of-A!

BEN: alex help i burn easily

ALEX: Oh come on, it can't be -

BEN: I am literally a pile of ash.

{Ben is literally a pile of ash}

ALEX: Oh, you silly sausage. Come on.

{Alex gets out a poop-scoop and scoops Ben up and puts him in a small glass jar. He puts it in his pocket and leaves the airport. Cut to the city of Birmingham, Alabama. Ben is now back to normal. As Ben and Alex skip merrily through the streets of birmingham, they notice a sign stating "Civil War Re-enactment. Also, racism"}

ALEX: Ooh, Ben, a civil war re-enactment, we should totally indulge in the HISTORIC CULTURE OF AMERICA

BEN: The sign had me at "racism"

{Montage of eagles, fireworks, american flags and burning crosses on civil right's figures lawns. Ben and Alex are at a civil war re-enactment, in full confederate soldier gear}