(even if you aren't vegan)
The SkullB Show/17
Episode 17: Feuerwerkstag
Season Premiere
Season three starts off with a holiday episode. SkullB and friends watch fireworks!
CAST: Skullbuggy, Jerry, Casey, Fran, Blaze
PLACES: SkullB House (Backyard)
PAGE TITLE: Pleading the Fourth (of July)!
{Open: SkullB's House. Everyone is on the couch, sleeping. A banner reading "Season 3 Cast Party" hangs weakly above the doorway.}
{Cue new theme song, viewable here.}
{Cut: the backyard of the SkullB House. Jerry and SkullB are sitting in lawnchairs, observing fireworks go off.}
SKULLB: Ah, nothing like a good firework or two to help keep your mind off of things.
JERRY: Yeah.
{Casey walks over.}
CASEY: Hey, guys. What are you doing?
SKULLB: Watching explosives go off.
CASEY: Ah. The great American pasttime.
JERRY: Yeah, they've been doing it for about half an hour at this point. We're not bored, though.
{Jerry takes a beer and opens it.}
JERRY: Nothing like a cold brewski to help accentuate the experience.
SKULLB: I don't think you should be drinking on camera.
JERRY: Relax! If we just call them "cold ones" we'll slip by the censors, not unlike an octopus.
SKULLB: What kind of simile was that?
JERRY: A shut up one.
{A blast is heard, and green light illuminates the scene.}
CASEY: Wow. Sure is... bright.
SKULLB: I don't have to worry, you know. With the whole "I have no eyes" thing.
JERRY: Yeah. So, isn't this holiday called Independence Day?
JERRY: So, why are we watching fireworks and not respecting our forefathers?
CASEY: Hey, how do you think we drove off the British?
CASEY: Explosives. That'll teach those limeys who to mess with.
SKULLB: But... aw, forget it. There's bright things exploding.
{Fran walks onto the scene, holding a tray of hot dogs and burgers.}
FRAN: Who's hungry?
{SkullB grabs a hotdog and takes a huge bite out of it. Seconds later he starts grimacing and spits the food out.}
SKULLB: Did- did you cook these?
FRAN: Yep! I take it you don't like soy dogs?
SKULLB: What the hell, woman? Do you put those damn beans in everything you cook?
JERRY: Skully, I'm fairly certain that vegetarians can't eat meat.
SKULLB: Oh, yeah. That.
SKULLB: I just want a damn hot dog.
{Another volley of fireworks goes off.}
FRAN: Ooh!
JERRY: Yeah, it's amazing.
FRAN: So, what exactly is Independence Day about, again?
CASEY: Beats me.
SKULLB: So, is this long enough for an episode?
JERRY: Yeah, probably.
{Cut: the site of the fireworks launching. A boy with red hair is lighting the fireworks.}
BLAZE: I can't believe they're paying me to light these!
{A firework goes off in his hand.}
SKULLB: {offscreen} Bodily harm is always funny!
{Cue credits.}