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Talk:Awesome Well

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His real name is Imhappyplz, which is what Deviants have been calling him way before the meme got the HRFWiki.--Kirbychu 02:33, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

I thought awesome was from Something Awful. Wikipedia said it. MeTK2lK.pngrEqWIWX.png 02:35, 11 November 2008 (UTC)
DeviantART is a waste of megabytes and SA did it first. End of line. 02:42, 11 November 2008 (UTC)
1. Something Awful and anti wikis - "Awesome"
2. dA - "imhappy"
3. Many Places - "Well" -pmelondemon43y 02:44, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

This, the HRFWiki, and the HRWiki forums are the only places I've heard him be called Well. I hear Imhappyplz(it's part of his name) almost all the time, and I've never heard him be called Awesome, besides, DeviantART has heen using him as a meme for longer than any place else.--Kirbychu 02:47, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Take your debating of the history of crappy memes off my wiki kthx. It was Something Awful and if you want to dispute that take it elsewhere. Well.PNG - Super Sam 08:23, 11 November 2008 (UTC)

Actually, it was a lameo pokemon forum's custom icon, then when the SoomethingAwful forums debutred they released it as ":awesome:"-Chwoka