(even if you aren't vegan)
summary: How do you feel with aggression?
CAST: Robstar, sobot, snakers, Blue, Scoutty, Chef Sam, Pax Scum, Calvin
Scene:Computer Room, the field
Page Title: Tandigations
Date: November 28, 2008
ROBSTAR: this is an email and I want some money.
subj. madness
Dogfood Gangster Robstar,
What do u like about aggression?
From lary
ROBSTAR: {typing} Look, Laryguy. I thought you would be original, but you suck. take that Ronald Emerich! {clears out the screen while typing} So, Mr. (i can't pronounce what the pfargtl you're saying)erson, aggression isnt the only feeling. I make people angry once in the life time.
SOBOT: {appears out of nowhere} really?
ROBSTAR: {stops typing} Get outta here! {as Sobot leaves angry, robstar continues to type} Hell, did i just do that? You see? it shocks you right. I'm gonna do it again to someone right now. {stops typing and leaves as scene cuts to the field}
SNAKERS:Oh, perfect hair forever!
BLUE: What?
SNAKERS: Rockssssssssssssso just ate my.. ugh. For god sssssssssakessssssss. He'sssssss a rock and roll clown.
ROBSTAR: {appears out of nowhere} hey there, fat men.
ROBSTAR:You heard me, fat man and Batman.
SNAKERS: Oh you sssssssssssuck.
ROBSTAR: Oh "SSSSS" shut up.
SNAKERS:Oh, sssssssso you wanna make fun of the way we ssssssssssssssssnakes talk, don't you?
ROBSTAR: No, but samuel L. Jackson does. Puttin' the snakes off of our plane.
SNAKERS: That'ssssssss it. I'm done, okat? Let'ssssssss go, Blue.
BLUE: um... I don't know of what your saying, but yes. Yes you are.
{while Robstar exits, scene cuts to chef Sam's cafeteria with scoutty, Pax and calvin}
CHEF SAM: Please baby, what are y'all doing?
PAX:Eatin, "y'all."
CHEF SAM: No, not you, Pax. i'm singing to myself.
ROBSTAR: {appears out of nowhere} Me too. And you can get cooked as well. bottoms up! {puts Chef Sam in the oven}
CALVIN: For shame, robby.
PAX: yeah.
ROBSTAR: {singing} I like your-
PAX: Shaddup.
SCOUTTY: I wish I had a line.
{scene cuts back to the computer room}
ROBSTAR: {types} Yes. i've made them angry. And hell, it was awesome with my brand new car. Well, i gotta go and eat a grilled-cheese sandwich while playing... shudder... the worst NES game i bought today called Action 52. Off i go.
{as Robstar gets out of the screen and stops typing, the paper comes down}
Easter Egg
- None today.
Fun facts
- I am just too lazy for them.