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IRC: irrelevant random crap/mike killed ewiki

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< IRC: irrelevant random crap
Revision as of 16:27, 20 December 2008 by Brerose (talk | contribs) (New page: <pre> <HSB150> office? <HSB150> great one <HSB150> :P <HSB150> any secon i think he's gonna say "how are you talking then, debra" just to screw with you more <HSB150> that's eric for y...)
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<HSB150> office? 
<HSB150> great one 
<HSB150> :P 
<HSB150> any secon i think he's gonna say "how are you talking then, debra" just to screw with you more 
<HSB150> that's eric for you 
<MichaelXX2> have you seen RC, HSB150? 
<HSB150> on hrwiki? 
<HSB150> no 
<HSB150> it's broken, still 
<HSB150> server error 
<MichaelXX2> not for mw 
<MichaelXX2> *me 
<HSB150> oh 
<HSB150> mine just worked  
<HSB150> i refreshed it 
<MichaelXX2> check RC 
<MichaelXX2> you'll get a surprise 
<MichaelXX2> hehhehehehhehehehee 
<HSB150> :O 
<HSB150> what'd i do? 
<MichaelXX2> you didn't earn it 
<HSB150> aww 
<HSB150> bye mike 
<HSB150> wait 
<HSB150> for you it's... 
<HSB150> 11? 
<MichaelXX2> 11:07 
<HSB150> it's 12 for me and i'm not tired 
<HSB150> 07 
<MichaelXX2> whatever 
<MichaelXX2> and you hardly contribute to the wiki 
<MichaelXX2> the last 11 edits of yours have been to your user space
<HSB150> and i've been staying up this late and getting up at 7 for the past 3 days 
<MichaelXX2> and, HSB150, I failed you 
<HSB150> i hardly contribute? 
<HSB150> you're probably right 
<MichaelXX2> I'm doing absolutely everything FOR you 
<MichaelXX2> you learn absolutely bubkis 
<HSB150> sure you do 
<HSB150> dan teaches me stuff all the time 
<MichaelXX2> oh yeah? 
<HSB150> you should try it 
<HSB150> :P 
<MichaelXX2> make your own sig 
<MichaelXX2> try it 
<MichaelXX2> i dare you 
<HSB150> but seriously, i should 
<HSB150> i need practice, though 
<HSB150> have no idea how to 
<MichaelXX2> you see? 
<MichaelXX2> I failed you in that exact way 
<HSB150> i tried before and it sucked 
<HSB150> then you said you'd mane me 12 
<MichaelXX2> You've been on here so much longer than i have and i know way more than you 
<MichaelXX2> ......../.!?!?"!??!?!?!?!?!?!? 
<HSB150> you joined when? 
<MichaelXX2> March 
<MichaelXX2> 2008 
<HSB150> of this year? 
<HSB150> oh 
<HSB150> yeah 
<HSB150> crap 
<MichaelXX2> wait
<HSB150> you must've worked with other wikis? 
<MichaelXX2> make that April 
<MichaelXX2> no 
<MichaelXX2> i knew absolutely nothing 
<HSB150> like me 
<HSB150> hey 
<HSB150> gotta question 
<MichaelXX2> I didn't have someone do everything for me 
<MichaelXX2> I had to LEARN 
<MichaelXX2> I had to THINK 
<HSB150> i saw a yoshiXX2 on youtube 
<HSB150> was that you? 
<MichaelXX2> yes 
<MichaelXX2> i shut it down 
<HSB150> crap 
<MichaelXX2> youtube turns people into perverts 
<HSB150> i can't believe you said that to homestarcuie7 
<HSB150> wait a few years 
<HSB150> you'll reboot it 
<MichaelXX2> did you see those comments on her channel? 
<HSB150> youtube seems cooler to 14 then 11 
<MichaelXX2> =3 
<HSB150> i hated youtube at 12 
<HSB150> yeah i did 
<HSB150> and not a lot of it 
<HSB150> mostly not peverted 
<HSB150> a lot of music vids 
<HSB150> a lot of cartoons 
<HSB150> a lot of h*r fans 
<HSB150> even people on here 
<HSB150> i friends with cheesy 
<HSB150> *i'm
<HSB150> ignore peverted stuff like me 
<HSB150> i ignore it 
<HSB150> spam it 
<HSB150> something 
<HSB150> try that 
<MichaelXX2> JIEWFHD8UHEWIHDX9oiH89GH896756&^%%#Q!@^%@%r8A476Q6w7Q85312EA 
<HSB150> oh, that reminds me 
<HSB150> cow gun?? 
<HSB150> that's hilarious 
<HSB150> :P 
<HSB150> lol 
<HSB150> very lol 
<HSB150> and the things when you log out of icechat? 
<HSB150> "the early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese" 
<MichaelXX2> it says that? 
<MichaelXX2> i didn't know 
<MichaelXX2> O_o 
<HSB150> and today there was "if at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you" 
<HSB150> i'l tell you, since, aparently, you don't think of them 
<HSB150> i'm normaly here when you leave icechat 
<HSB150> i think they're really funny 
<MichaelXX2> hahahah 
<HSB150> you got the top one 
<MichaelXX2> that's hilarious 
<MichaelXX2> i had no idea 
<HSB150> mouse trap 
<HSB150> :P 
<MichaelXX2> i get it 
<HSB150> what's the second one? 
<HSB150> i didn't get that one 
<HSB150> exactly
<MichaelXX2> you didn't get the second one? 
<HSB150> no 
<HSB150> not really 
<HSB150> explain 
<HSB150> do you? 
<MichaelXX2> you only get one chance when you skydive 
<MichaelXX2> so if you have to try again... 
<HSB150> i got it now 
<HSB150> that's funny 
<HSB150> :P 
<MichaelXX2> Let's just say there'll be about 9348 of you 
<HSB150> :O 
<HSB150> that's how many? 
<HSB150> crap 
<MichaelXX2> if you fall and SBLAT 
<HSB150> here's an idea 
<HSB150> tomorrow, go th the office, on icechat, go in and out over and over 
<HSB150> let's see how far we get 
<HSB150> maybe like, 20 
<HSB150> before i get sick of waiting for them 
<HSB150> maybe 30 
<HSB150> cow gun 
<HSB150> you thought of that? 
<MichaelXX2> yes 
<MichaelXX2> remember? 
<MichaelXX2> I'M A-FIRIN' ZE COWS 
<HSB150> it's gotta be for like, really strong people 
<MichaelXX2> you know 
<HSB150> or, like 12 hold it 
<HSB150> yeah 
<HSB150> but cow gun? 
<MichaelXX2> oh, it's on the castle walls
<HSB150> i thought you used a catapult 
<MichaelXX2> i don't know, HSB150 
<HSB150> wouldn't that be "ze cow gun?" 
<HSB150> and that's a play on the lazer collection, isn't it 
<HSB150> that means you have seen my youtube channel? 
<MichaelXX2> no 
<MichaelXX2> i got it from Raiku 
<HSB150> raiku's probably been on my youtube channel 
<HSB150> i'ma firin' ze coes raiku thought of? 
<HSB150> *w 
<HSB150> :O 
<HSB150> :well: 
<HSB150> hey 
<HSB150> did you know a piece of your hair is stronger than a piece of steel the same size? 
<HSB150> i thinks it's cool 
<HSB150> yeah 
<HSB150> cola 
<HSB150> you like cola? 
<HSB150> i does 
<HSB150> cherry coke 
<HSB150> yeah 
<HSB150> bagels 
<HSB150> you like? 
<HSB150> me do 
<HSB150> cinnamon 
<MichaelXX2> have you seen ewiki? 
<MichaelXX2> I trashed it 
<HSB150> what? 
<HSB150> i heard 
<MichaelXX2> how? 
<HSB150> you were banned for it
<MichaelXX2> now 
<HSB150> raiku 
<MichaelXX2> no 
<MichaelXX2> i set up a new account 
<HSB150> :O 
<MichaelXX2> First Time Here? 
<MichaelXX2> totally trashed 
<MichaelXX2> see it? 
<MichaelXX2> SEEEEEE it?! 
<HSB150> yeah 
<HSB150> i do 
<HSB150> fix it, please 
<HSB150> what do you have against sylar? 
<HSB150> that you have to kill his wiki? 
<MichaelXX2> i can't 
<MichaelXX2> it's too much 
<MichaelXX2> too much... 
<MichaelXX2> <small>fading.....</small> 
<HSB150> you're trolling ewiki 
<HSB150> bad mike 
<HSB150> bad! 
<HSB150> :P 
<MichaelXX2> well 
<MichaelXX2> IBE GONE 
<HSB150> wha? 
<HSB150> no 
<HSB150> nit really 
<MichaelXX2> okay 
<HSB150> *not 
<HSB150> we can talk about ewiki more 
<HSB150> why'd you kill it? first off?
<MichaelXX2> i wanted to kill it 
<HSB150> just 
<HSB150> wanted to 
<HSB150> no real reason? 
<MichaelXX2> I'm gonna leave in a minute 
<HSB150> don't hate sylar 
<HSB150> don't hate ewiki 
<MichaelXX2> it has no purpose!! 
<HSB150> just felt like killing it? 
<MichaelXX2> maybe i should make the vwiki 
<MichaelXX2> the wiki for vandalism 
<HSB150> there are hundreds of wikis that are pointless 
<HSB150> search wiki in google,  you'll get hundreds, i'm sure 
<HSB150> will you get mad if i tell sylar? 
<MichaelXX2> i think i'm gonna leave now 
<HSB150> what if i tell him to protect everything, not ban you? 
<MichaelXX2> I'm tired anyway 
<HSB150> me, too 
<MichaelXX2> I'll just leave it alone 
<HSB150> but there has to be a reason 
<MichaelXX2> I wanted to destroy it 
<HSB150> :O 
<HSB150> ok 
<HSB150> whatev 
<HSB150> bye 
<MichaelXX2> bye 
<HSB150> bye' 
MichaelXX2 No such nick/channel 
<HSB150> note to self: log this 
MichaelXX2 No such nick/channel