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Basic Info

The Ark.

The Ark, loosley referenced in episode 6's regular wikihood half, is really a powerful, other-worldly being. The Ark has 2 forms:It's ship form, better used for traveling along any kind of terrain, to other worlds and universes, and it's second form, which has yet to be seen. The ship is currently owned by Chaos, and being used by Tommyspud and FF7 Sephiroth.


The ship needs a stone, called the Pumice, to activate it. The pumice has 2 halves:The half of light, and the half of dark. The half of dark was given to Tommyspud, and the light is jammed in the ship, by some coincidence.


Though yet to be used, The Ark seems to have a mind of it's own, and sometimes does whatever it wants. Beyond that, the ark also attacks with it's weaponry upon command. When in human form, the ark will do WHATEVER it want, unless Chaos is at the helm.