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User:Ninjaduck/Creatures Of the Dark

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Welcome to... the creatures... OF THE DARK! If you look below, you may see the vile beasts I scribbled up in gimp found around the galaxy, and classified.



Humiovermis Chalybs(Prakkle)



This worm lives among the sands of Africa and Eqypt, erupting out of the soil to clamp birds in it's giant jaws. It's long, slender toungue is lined with deadly poisonous stinging cells to disable it's soon to be snack. It's wings are small, only helping it gain a small amount of lift whilst catching it's prey.

Fiery Dune Beetle

Crusterra Impirus(Fiery Dune beetle)



The fiery dune beetle has to put up with borderline-inhospitable conditions, surviving on less than a few drops of water a week, and competing with other ravenous insectoid hunters. It hunts using it's needle-like front claws to tear open soft flesh, and uses it's shovel like back claws to both dig holes to hunt from, and to bludgeon open hard carapaces. This insectiod only has 1 eye, so it has to hunt up close because of it's poor eyesight.

Krundel Family

Shelled Krundel

Picinero Ferriocrusta(Shelled Krundel)



The Shelled Krundel usually lives around the base of volcanoes, making soft nests out of volcanic ash for it's tadpole like young. When threatened, It rolls up into a tight ball, with it's young safe in it's belly pouch. This calm creature eats nuts and fruit off of shrubs. Certain people Domesticate these Krundles, both as docile pets, and supplies of meat.

Water Krundel

Picinero Undavelox(Water Krundel)



A close relative of the Shelled Krundel, The Water Krundel has chosen an aquatic life. It makes beds of kelp for their tad-pole like young. When threatened, it bolts off with a jet of water from a tube above it's anus, babies safely stored in the pouch. These krundels eat fish, kelp, and algae. Water krundels are sometimes kept in farms and aquariums, as they are loyal animals that would never hurt an animal besides prey fish and animals intruding upon it's babies' space.

Iron Dragon

Draconis Ferrum(Iron Dragon)



This odd beast is part of the elusive Dragon species. It's odd trio of jaws is said to be a result of a mutation millions of years ago. It's diet of hard and precious metals gives it a wonderful metal hide resembling exquisitely crafted armor, making it impervious to heavy impacts. What appear to be heavy wings are actually light and hollow.