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Total Drama Wiki Island/2/Barracuda

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{Chwoka is still unconscious from last night. Sephiroth walks in, all wet, and wipes his feet on the mat.}


{Jerry wakes up.}

JERRY: {yawns} Another day, another dollar. Or at least, that's what I would say if I had work today. Which I don't because I'M ON A DAMN ISLAND.

{Jerry walks out of the cabin.}

{Chwoka opens his eyelids}

CHWOKA: hey guys thanks for the help

{Chwoka bleeds on the carpet further.}

CHWOKA: yeah i'm totally not lost gallons of blood

{Jerry walks back in and tosses an E-Tank at Chwoka.}

{zoo walks in, carr ying a can of soda}

ZOO977: Yum yum! {has the soda, can and all}

JERRY: Cool! That's disgusting.

ZOO977: I know. {picks up a sheet of paper. begins to write down some weird symbols.}

JERRY: Please say that's not an ancient disembowelment spell. Please.

ZOO977: Nope! {puts it on the ground. a purple light shines on it}

JERRY: Oh God, get in the bomb shelter!

ZOO977: This isn't dangerous. Its just cool to see. {the paper begins to float} WAAGH! {falls over}

JERRY: Oh... well, this doesn't look good at a-

{Jerry is surrounded by a glowing purple aura and is thrown out of the cabin.}

JERRY: {offscreen} Witchcraft!

{Chaos bursts in through the window.}


{Chaos sits there blankly for about 5 seconds, then tears the paper up. it repairs.}

{zoo leaves the cabin}

CHWOKA: Screw this, I refuse to be a part of this crappy subplot THIS time. I'm going back to dead. {Chwoka falls back unconscious, but is thrown out any way, as his wounds heal.}

{Cut ot the portal. It widens. Cut back}

{a muffled sound is heard coming from under Man-o-man's bed}

SEPHIROTH: Excuse me.... {Walks out cabin.}

{more muffled sound}

{Sephiroth comes back in wearing a blue shirt, and a white jacket over it, along with a white tie, and a hat with a blue stripe, and black boots.}


{muffled sounds turns just clear enough to hear}

???: Man-o-man under bed! Help!

{all of a sudden, man-o-man's bunk shakes then someone covered in chains crawls out from under the bed, reveling to be man-o-man}

MAN-O-MAN: Woah! I thought I'd never get out of there, I hope I'm not late for the challenge! {runs off}

That Night

{Ryan walks to the Puffer cabin}

DOT: {walks in, and takes an unopened camera out of her bag} Hi and bye! {leaves}

RYAN: G'night guys. {goes to sleep}

{Ryan starts to dream, he gets a thought like this}

RYAN: {muttering}'t

CHAOS: Ryan...stop...muttering...when you're...not...asleep...

JERRY: {sobbing} This sucks.

{Jerry plops himself on his bed.}

ESTELLE: It's okay! AT LEAST YOU HAVE US! {Stupid smile}

JERRY: ... Whatever. Just... can you vote for me next week or something?

ESTELLE: Nope. Unless you give 1000 bucks.

CHAOS: Why do you want to leave so badly?

JERRY: Why do you think? To get away from some of the people on here! Do you have any idea what it's like, Chaos?

ESTELLE: I sure as hell do! That Zoo guy pisses me off...

CHAOS: Well, I live with a puppet, Noelle, A vampire, and 2 crazy people, and I usually hang out with a Mentally confused thief and and the near-polar opposite of Ryan. I know what it's like.

ESTELLE: Hey maybe... we should form an alliance!

JERRY: Agreed. Strength is in numbers.

ESTELLE: We would call ourselves... FISH. Freaking Incredible Stranded... Hecklers?

RAGGON: Can I be in it?

JERRY: No. Go 'way.

RAGGON: Now I am all alone.


RAGGON: {He runs away and starts crying}

ESTELLE: ...Pansy. Anyway, I say we form an alliance by the name of FISH. All favored say aye! Aye!