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Homestar Adventure Game DX!/Strong Sad

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Revision as of 00:37, 31 August 2008 by Lucian Summers (talk | contribs) (New page: You ask Strong Sad, "Hey, Dumpface! Do you have any clue what this means?" Strong Sad gets nervous. "Why, no not at all. Nope, never seen it. Doesn't ring a bell. Well, I've gotta go...)
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You ask Strong Sad, "Hey, Dumpface! Do you have any clue what this means?" Strong Sad gets nervous. "Why, no not at all. Nope, never seen it. Doesn't ring a bell. Well, I've gotta go, um... food shopping in um...Prance?" Strong Sad runs off. You decide to follow him.

You drop the note beside a mirror. You pick it up, and take a quick look at your reflection. You stop for a second.

You can read the note in the mirror!


Who ever created the Strong Sad robot has a secret base under Bubs'! If you find it, you can get to the bottom of this!

You run outside. Strong Sad is driving a truck on a road that has strangely never been seen until this day. You eventually lose track of where he's going. Maybe to Bubs'!

Later, at Bubs'...

You arrive at Bubs'. You open up the window, and climb in. One floor pad has been taken out. You climb down a little hole under where the floor pad was.

You are spotted by a Robot Strong Sad, and thrown into a prison cell.

Now what?

Look Around

Open the door

Dig Underground