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Wikirmies online/GCU HQ

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The Golden Communist Union Headquarters is located in the center of the Russian corner of Wiki City. For safety reasons, GCU HQ is surrrounded by a giant wall, unreachable by any planes, helicopters, people, or starships. The only way to get in is by going through the teleport at the Russian commons office at the edge of the Russian corner. The commons worker will let you in after showing ID with any army insignia.


Rooms with a * beside them only allow leaders and guards. Soldiers are not permitted.


USERUNKNOWN:Hm...seen better but I can't complain.



COMRADE BELLSTROM:{exits Meeting Room with Comrade Unicron} Okay. Ve launch ze nukes at ezactly 12:00 Noon, Dezemver 21, 2012. {Notices Userunknown} Ahh! Uhh, ahh, umm, s-svorts team? Erm, {to Unicron} ztay here. {walks towards Userunknown} Ah, Comvade Uzerunknown! How varr jou?

USERUNKNOWN:If you launch any nukes, I'll launch Chuck Norris.

COMRADE BELLSTROM: Ahahaha. {points to Chuck Norris captured} How vill a PVISONER ve avle to ztop ze nukes? Vezides, ze nukes vill not harm anyvone on zis pvanet! I vill only launch ze nukes on ze Invazer Zim univerze Earth. It vill zort izzelf out, zhust vike alvays. Vatch. {presses a button on the wall. A screen showing the inside of Invader Zim's house with smoke in it appears. The following up until Bell's is on the screen}

ZIM:{runs in with head on fire} AAAAAAAAAAMYHEAD'SONFIREMYHEAD'SONFIRE!!!!! {runs out}

GIR:{runs in crying} MY TAQUITOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!!! {runs out}

{the screen displays "1 DAY LATER..."}

ZIM: Doo de doo doo...

{GIR throws a pig at Zim. Cut to Zim's face. The pig's shadow grows larger}

ZIM: Eh?

{cut to outside the house. Pause a beat, then Zim crashes through the window with his head on fire}

ZIM: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! {throws head into the puddle} AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!! THE WATER BURNS!!!!!!!!! {runs into the street, is hit by a car, thrown into a building, which then explodes into a mushroom cloud}

{the screen displays "ANOTHER DAY LATER...". cut to Dib on a tree branch looking into Zim's window}

DIB: I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE ZIM! I can smell you! {the branch breaks, Dib falls into another yard} AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!

{dog barking and tearing can be heard. Bits of Dib's clothes and hair fly out from behind the fence. Screen cuts to black}

COMRADE BELLSTROM: Zee? Nozzink irreparavle vill havven!

USERUNKNOWN:That Chuck is a inflatable model.This is the real Chuck Norris...IN A CAN!{Holds out a spray can labeled Chuck Norris in a can and then puts it away}Also, you can't get nukes yet.

COMRADE BELLSTROM:{points to weapon creation room} Ve mekk our own. Vezides, ve vould never use nukes on any ozzer army unless comvetezy nezezzary.

USERUNKNOWN:Well, I gotta go.{Leaves.Walks back in}Don't think I didn't here you say you are going to launch those nukes.{Leaves}

{A Sephiroth comes in from the shadows, with White Hair, a Black Robe, and The Heartless Symbol on 1 Hand, and the Nobody Symbol on the other.}

SEPHIROTH: Combat? My sort of thing.

COMRADE BELLSTROM: Ahh! Hezzo, Comvade Zevviroth! How varr jou? Hmm... Zay, I'm vored. Zhould ve launch ze nukes on Invazer Zim univerze Earth now?

SEPHIROTH: I'm not stopping you. But destroying them isn't that effective. Taking their hearts, and turning them into Heartless is however. {Evil Grin.}

COMRADE BELLSTROM: Evvektive? Who zaid anyzing avout veeink evvektive? I juzt vant to nuke zem for entertainvent. I don't douvt you zaw ze tape. Nozzink vill hoppen.

{Nod Alan walks in.}

ALAN: Allo, za one day call Comrate Bettstorm. I am Za Zupreme Leater of Za Broderhood of Alan, Nod Alan. I vould like do make an Alliance vith you.

COMRADE BELLSTROM: Ov courze, Comvade Alan. How could I revuze? An avviance vould be most vise.

ALAN: I agree Broder Bettstrom (if I may call you that)

COMRADE BELLSTROM: Iz vine, comvade.

ALAN: Hey, we shoult dalk aboud zis in ze Meeding Room of my HQ


ALAN: Led'z Go!




Weapon Testing Area*

Weapon Creation Unit*

Meeting Room*