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Forewarning: I wrote this..around 2007? Maybe? Before the WUW, atleast.

Second Life By G. Price

Chance may seem like a normal boy, but he has a big secret.

Girl: Hey Chance, what’s up?

Chance: The sky. What about you, Victoria?

Victoria: Nothing. The bell rings.

Mr. Hartwell: Good morning class. Today we are having partners to learn about each other. Okay, Victoria and Chance.

That afternoon, Victoria: Hey, Chance. Chance: I will be right back.

He goes to the shed but trips and fall on a chainsaw. He has no bruises.

Chance: Victoria, did you see that? Victoria nods.

Later that day, Chance sees Victoria floating off the ground.

Victoria: Weird, huh?



At school, Jock: Hey, Vicky want to go to the dance? Victoria: Naw, I have plans, Max. Max: But… Vicky: No means no. Chance: Hey Victoria, want to go to the dance? Vicky: Sure, Chance. Chance walk’s away and talks to his friend Ricardo “Card” Mendez. Chance: Hey Card. Card: Sup? Max walks over to Chance with a knife and stabs him. Max: You don’t know who you are messing with. The knife breaks when it hits Chance. Chance: No Max, you’re the one who doesn’t know who they’re messing with. He punches Max in the face. Everyone except for Victoria looks in shock. END OF CHAPTER 2


Alex Rogers walks into a bank and goes to the window. Bank teller: Hello sir, how could I help you? Alex: Give me the money NOW! Bank teller: (laughing) You should of brought a gun. Guards! The guards walk in and shoot at Alex, however he points his hand at the bullets and throws them back at the guards. More come in, but Alex shoots electricity at the guards. Alex: You were warned. He evilly smiles.



Alex walks over to his friend Sky. Alex: Hey Sky, more guards are coming. Want to take care of them? Sky: Sure. Sky points his arms at two bars and then stretch’s his arms at them. The guards run at him, but he turns into a human cannon ball and shoots himself at the guards.

At Card’s house, Mrs. Mendez: Card come here. Now! Card: Okay, Mom. He gets up from playing video games and walks over to his mom. She hears him yelling from the other room even though he’s right there. She walks over to his room and sees him there. Mrs. Mendez: Card, I am seeing double. All of a sudden he splits back into one. Mom: Card, You’re a freak. Card: So is Chance. END OF CHAPTER 4


Boy: Hey, Victoria. Victoria: Hey Joshua. Joshua: Victoria, now I know why I regret being your brother. Victoria: Okay, Halo. Halo: Thanks. Victoria: Would you believe me if I said something that happens only in comic books? Halo: Not at first, but I would be happy that you’re a alien. Victoria slugs him in the shoulder. Victoria: (sighs) I can…Fly. You probably don’t believe me huh? Halo: Victoria, I want to show you something. Halo walks over to his sister and puts his hand on her shoulder. He squints and all of a sudden they are on a Hawaiian beach. Then they are back at there house. Victoria: Halo, you can teleport?!? Halo: You can fly. Cool that we are the only ones with powers, huh? Victoria: Actually, Chance is invincible and there are rumors that are probably true that say that card can duplicate himself. Halo: There are others? END OF CHAPTER 5


In a dark alley we see Hubert “Phantom” Summers. He walks into a bar. Bartender: What would you like to order, sir? Phantom: I’m not here for a drink. I’m here for the money your brother owes me. Hand it over. Bartender: You’re making a mistake. Boys, get out your shotguns. The men shoot at Phantom, but the bullets go straight through him. Phantom walks straight into the bartender. Bartender (Phantom): Boys, I’m sorry. I was acting crazy. Leave him alone. He walks out and the Bartender falls to the ground, unconscious. Cut to Alex and Sky, Alex: Sky, we have a guest. Sky opens the door and a cop walks in. Sky: Get away, copper. Cop (Phantom): I am no cop. All of a sudden Phantom walks out of the cop body and it falls to the ground. Alex: Impressive work. Sky, this is Hubert Summers. Phantom: Call me Phantom. Sky: So you possess people? Phantom: Not only that but I can also phase through solid objects. That night, Card, Victoria, Chance and Halo walk into the plaza. All of a sudden Phantom, Sky and Alex phase through a wall and attack them. Halo: Dad? Phantom: Yep, that’s me. Victoria and Halo look in shock. Card splits into ten and gets into a pose. Victoria hovers off the ground. Halo poses. Chance takes of his shirt. Phantom turns into a ghost. Alex shocks up his hands. Sky turns into a human cannonball. Card and Sky start fighting. Sky: Wanna play some pinball? Card: I am a one man army! Sky springs him self at Card but Card surrounds Sky. Sky is about choke Card, but Card grabs Sky’s arms before he can and chokes Sky to death. Halo and Victoria start attacking there father. Halo: Dad, Don’t do this! Victoria: Dad, Please stop. Phantom: How are you going to stop me? Halo teleports behind Phantom and punches him in the head, but his hand goes right through him. Victoria dives at him but he disappears and phases through the wall, escaping. Meanwhile, Chance and Alex are fighting. Chance: I am invincible. Nothing can hurt me. Alex: You feel pain, you just don’t die. Alex charges up a blast of lightning but it doesn’t affect Chance. Chance throws Alex at a wall. Alex: You haven’t seen the last of me! Chance: If I had a dollar for every time a bad guy says that, I would be rich. Alex runs off. Card: I killed Stretchy. Victoria runs up to Chance and kisses him. THE END

EPILOGUE One year later,

Chance and Victoria are now dating and are a part of the superhero team “Nine Lives” with the others. Card is now school president and has a girlfriend named Melissa. Halo is now a mechanic. One day, The four are hanging out., when they get a phone call. Halo answers it . Halo: Okay, got it, roger, see you. Victoria: Who is it? Halo: The President. We got a job. Chance: Lets go, guys. They nod and they all leave to save the day.

Fun information about the characters: Each character has more than one power which will be shown in the second book called “1 Year Later, 2 Old Villains Standing, 3 Times The Fame And 9 Lives”. Chance “Steel” Palmers: Second power is Super Strength. Victoria “Hawk” Summers: Second Power is Telekinesis. Card “Splitter” Mendez: Second Power is Pyrokinesis (Fire Control). Halo Summers: Second Power is Metal Mimicry. Phantom Summers: Fourth Power is Invisibility. Alex Rogers: Sixth Power is Chronokinesis (Time Control). We have not seen the last of Sky.

Sky Matthews: Second power is Shattering.