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Revision as of 17:04, 13 September 2013 by Brerose (talk | contribs) (the token female)
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Basic Info

Natalie Vermont is an FBI agent stationed in Strangetown to investigate the strange happenings. Armed with a service pistol and high-class training, she believes she is ready for whatever could come after her. She's dead wrong.

She has been recruited into Prof. Strange's band of merry-men and investigators, much to her chagrin.

Descriptive Information

  • Full Name: Natalie Vermont
  • Gender: Feale
  • Nationality: American
  • Age: 31
  • Birth Date: June 30th, 1982
  • Birth Place: Belfast, Maine
  • Currently Living In: Strangetown, Rhode Island
  • Species: Human
  • Ethnicity / Race: American
  • Citizenship: American
  • Religion / Beliefs: Atheist
  • Height: 5'6
  • Weight: 136
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Skin Color: Caucasian
  • Hair Color: Blonde
  • Hair Style: Long past shoulders, ponytail