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Talk:Let's Play Katawa Bell Quest Team Racing X6/BellQuest

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Revision as of 18:55, 30 August 2013 by Noxigar (talk | contribs) (loltangents)
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golly you'd be excited if you saw bell quest 2 -pmelondemon43y

Probably. Noxigar 22:06, 30 August 2013 (UTC)
it actually existed on the HRFWiki with a focus on cow puncher, but it wasn't ported over. if IDC would give up the archives you could see it -pmelondemon43y
hah, as if IDC would ever give up the archives Lex 22:15, 30 August 2013 (UTC)
That's too bad, then. I guess I won't be able to read Bell Quest 2. :( Noxigar 23:02, 30 August 2013 (UTC)
Shadow Scythe has been begging about it, even offering him money for it, but IDC refuses to budge. Fucking annoying, really. Lex 23:03, 30 August 2013 (UTC)
I guess I'll resume looking for video recorders so I can maybe start up a Let's Play proper or something. Noxigar 23:10, 30 August 2013 (UTC)


noxigar why do sometimes in the middle of a conversation about something do you just begin talking about something not even tangentially related to the subject at hand FloppyDongHersh Bensfloppydong.png

Because the convo pretty much was done after "IDC refuses to budge on HRFWiki, so I can't watch Bell Quest 2 and that sucks." I just started a new topic 'cause I don't want to repeat myself about how annoying it is that IDC refuses to budge. Noxigar 23:27, 30 August 2013 (UTC)