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Let's Play Katawa Bell Quest Team Racing X6/BellQuest
I pretty much like most of Bell's work.
The only one I didn't like was The Adventures of Domo and T. Pedo, and that's 'cause the effort taken to make the show terrible on purpose was way too much and way too transparent. Otherwise, Bell normally has a good series on his hands. I still don't get why MFT3K riffed it, since they seemed to miss the point about Records of Bell and stuff being at the author's own expense jokewise. I like most of the characters, although sometimes the inclusion of Homestar Runner characters can get a bit grating. It's not literally every 10 lines, though, so I guess that's good. I wish Bell was still around so he could continue his work and maybe make Domo and T. Pedo better now that there's pretty much nobody riffing his work anymore.
At any rate, I still like Bell Quest. It had a lot of potential which went places in the sequels.