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Lex's Rants/1/FAsterickAsterickAsterick

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You know, if there was one thing that I never understood, it was people who always insisted on censoring their own language. By censoring, I don't mean someone replacing one word with a less profane one, of course. What I'm talking about is people who replace letters in a word with asterisks, or any other kind of punctuation. I mean.. what is up with that shit?

An example would be someone saying something along the lines of "I don't give a f***".

Depending on the context used, I probably wouldn't even doubt that fact. But they still give enough of a fuck to actually censor themselves, just so they don't actually use any offending language.

But why? What exactly is the point of doing that anyway? It's fairly obvious what you're meaning to say it, anyway. Putting *** there instead of "U-C-K" isn't going to change the fact that you just said fuck, or that it's a completely brand-new word. It doesn't make it any less offensive, it just makes you look rather priggish.

I'm fine either way. No, really. Swears don't bother me one bit. In fact, I happen to use them a lot. Not claiming that it makes me grown up, or cool or anything, just that I happen to use foul language. But seriously, if you're going to say something that's going to be offensive, don't try and cover your tracks by doing that. Either say fuck, or don't fucking say fuck at all.

Good-fucking-night, bitches.