(even if you aren't vegan)
Ekul explains his computer
Cast (in order of appearance): Ekul, Kati, Joel (easter egg)
C11: Dorrkorlockon!
(C11 brings his email service up, and clicks on the first one)
Dear C to the 1 to the UNO!
If you were the most awezomed! I wish I was your secret to? By the way, why am the greatest thing alive? Can I hope that we should do it instead.
- Grammar Sue
C11:(Beeps as he read s the email, then beeps as he types on the screen screen) Bad grammer city! Filter! Do your thing!
Flitering train wreck...
C11: Dorlo kark irr op.
Dear C to the 1 to the 1!
You are awesome! I wish I knew the secret to it... Why are you the greatest thing alive? Is it plausauble to hope that I can be the awesomest thing alive instead? - Bad Grammer Sue
C11: (Words on the screen as he beeps) Well, I can tell you!the secret to my awesomeness is my subtlness in Ekulmails. As you can see, I rarely drop a line, enabling people to like me more. When I do talk, it's this cool sound. I also have many gagetries! And I'm technical! I can give information to Ekul when he needs it. Unfortunately I appear as often as Strong Mad does, except for the fact that I'm Ekul's computer... Well, I appear as often as Strong Mad and The lappy. So... Find the yellow box!
(He projects "EMAIL ME!)
Easter Eggs
Fun Facts
C11 Email |