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Strong Man Emails/characters2

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The characters of the thing.


Strong Man

Strong Man's exterior shows a huge hulking monster, ready to kill. But not quite. In reality, this guys a wuss. He wouldn't hurt a fly. He would if he could, but he's real sensitive about his physique. He's actually depressed as all hell, even more so than Sickly Sam. In a mishap, he received an "antique" windows 95 in his mail. it was to be sent to a "Strong Bad". Being from the future, he can receive emails to his adress but not send, so he keeps them in a "Miss word" file, hoping someone will find them. Someone who isn't Sir. He has a habit of dreaming off on a tangent. According too Texas, he's 36 years old.

His interests include drawing, his computer, and grits.


Simon "Sir" Mustaches is the cruelest thing ever. Really. He bullies several: from Strong Man to Sickly Sam, he practically owns the land. No-one 'cept The Homestar dare stand up to him. He wants to know what it is on Strong Man's desk, but can't figure it out. He is always trying to ruin everyone's day, because according to him "Someone has too!".

His interests are evil and soothing teas.

The Homestar

The Homestar Runner is just overly optimistic. Despite times being bad, he still believes food's out there somewhere. He and Strong Man are really best friends, but they're not aloud to talk in front of Sir. This means they can only talk in private. By private, I mean "The tavern". He loves pie, friendship and little doggies. Particularly Basset Hounds, as he had one named "Old Eyelids" who died. He got successors, including his current one "Prunes", who accompanies him everywhere.

"Old Man" Bubs

Old Man Bubs owns the following: the depot, the flower stand, the farm, the tavern, the electricity manager and the bottomless hole. The townsfolk predict him to be atleast 200 years old. Why? Because he's blind, has ten wooden legs and can play the banjo. How more "old man" can you get? People daren't touch him incase they get his many diseases. A such, he's not very popular. On the other hand, his shops are vastly popular, and he;s the richest man in town. Therefor, he's often the target of Sir.

The Sneak

The Sneak's Strong Man's pet, or Sir's lackey. He can say one word "Telegram" but prefers to talk in a faux-morse code by wiggling his nose. The things he says are often sarcastic, snarky and ahead of his time. He's a sandy-brown colour and is believed to be a star nosed mole.

...That's about it.


The captain of the team! No-one's really on the team, so he's just considered a jock. He also takes banjo lessons and is constantly trying to win the affection of...


EVeryone has a crush on her. Although she's friendly to everyone, she actually doesn't care less. She loves adventuring and is good friends with The Homestar, who, as you probably guessed, has a crush on her. As does Strong Man, Sir and Fort Wayne, who's the only one who states it.

She really likes strawberry ice-cream pie. Not that she gets it, being in the depression and all.