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Mystery Fanstuff Theater 3000/X Is The New Y/3

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Yvonne and Marissa begin to question the purchase of Xaviar.
CAST: Marissa, Yvonne, Strong bad, Xaviar, The cheat, Strong sad, The KOT
SETTING: The bedroom, the field, strong bads basement, the stick


{opens up to the girls room.

CHWOKA: Finally, we might get something useful out of all this!

There are now two wodden

CHWOKA: Say your sentences out loud, exactly as they are spelt, before you submit them.

framed beds. strong bad, yvonne, and marissa each have a hand of five cards, and are sitting around .

CHWOKA: Please? One proofread, just for me?

a large stack of tokens is in front of marissa. yvonne and strong bad have significantly less, strong bad having just one peach token.}

YVONNE: Um... Let's see... I see marissa's ace of spades,


and raise her twenty-five.

CHWOKA: I'm pretty sure there are only four aces per deck.

MARISSA: {puts two blue tokens and a red token in the middle} I'm ready.

CHWOKA: for the rapture.

YVONNE: I'll start. {lays out her hand} full house of fives and nines. {crosses her arms, smiles smugly}

STRONG BAD: I have a hand so awesome, that your faces would melt if you saw it.

CHWOKA: Like yours did in the photograph.

MARISSA: Let me see. {looks at strong bad hand}

CHWOKA: I have to try this trick next tiem I play Texas Hold 'Em.

You have a six of clubs as a high card.


MARISSA: You lose.

BLUEBRY: nobody wins to a full house

YVONNE: Let's see how much better you've done!


MARISSA: Ok. {lays out her hand} Four of a kind, aces.

CHWOKA: Hold on, she can't have four aces if she's playing Texas Hold 'Em. The only way is to have two aces on the river, and two in the pocket, which means Strong Bad's 6 of Clubs wasn't his high card at all — the aces were!

YVONNE: That's ten winning hands in a row!

BLUEBRY: stop cheating mary sue

XAVIAR: {flies onscreen} Hey, guys.

STRONG BAD: Oh, what are you doing here? can't you see I'm-

XAVIAR: Losing to a school girl in poker? Yes.

BLUEBRY: this is like that guy who tries to sound smart but everyone knows he was just eavesdropping and waiting for his chance

MARISSA: {angered} What's that supposed to mean?

BLUEBRY: and yeah what a misogynist

STRONG BAD: That I got the hand you're trying to pass off as yours?

XAVIAR: Well, girls just arent that good ad card games.

BLUEBRY: "unless those cards have recipes on them"

{yvonne throws a handful of tokens at xaviar. they hit}

CHWOKA: xavier dies.}


MARISSA: I've been playing poker since the second grade.

BLUEBRY: started out with a small-scale gambling ring behind the swings
CHWOKA: She worked up to a casino tour.

It's only natural I know the inner workings of the game!

YVONNE: Wait a second. {mumbling to herself for three seconds}

CHWOKA: One, two, three, four, five... I need to go the hospital.

Wait, you've been playing for seven years?

MARISSA: And I've gotten rich off of it.

BLUEBRY: "that's how i can afford to live in a grill"

XAVIAR: I bet I could beat you at it.

MARISSA: Starting with how little?

XAVIAR: Um... a hundred dollars!

CHWOKA: G\He has never ever played poker before.

MARISSA: {throws a black chip at xaviar} Bring it!

XAVIAR: You'll be broke before you kno-

{the screen turns to black, with thirty second later written on it in white. it comes back to the previous scene. xaviar has a hand of cards}

XAVIAR: {laying his hand out} Three jacks!

MARISSA: {laying her hand out} Flush of hearts!

XAVIAR: {mumbling} I shouldn't have gone all in...

MARISSA: Now, what did you say about girls?


XAVIAR: That they are

BLUEBRY: mary sues


MARISSA: {shocked} WHAAAAT?!?

CHWOKA: Say WHAT, honky?!

XAVIAR: How else could you win every time?

MARISSA: With strategy!

CHWOKA: Award-winning strategies, like "looking at the opponent's hand."
BLUEBRY: not to mention "licking an ace of spades, sticking it under the table for later, and claiming the dealer forgot to deal you a card"

XAVIAR: I bet you mark the cards.

THE CHEAT: {walks in} {confused the cheat noises}

STRONG BAD: That brain haired girl-

CHWOKA: Use hyphens right here, instead of for their stated function. NEVER use hyphens to link two words together. Ever.


STRONG BAD: -wouldn't cheat, the cheat would.

XAVIAR: How would you know?

CHWOKA: Because The Cheat cheats. A lot.



XAVIAR: {flying out} {sing songy} Temper tantrum! {flies offscreen}

CHWOKA: X IS THE NEW Y: A series of two-word phrases.

MARISSA: {to strong bad} Now, I believe you owe me one thousand seven hundred dollars. {holds out her hand}

CHWOKA: She's just inflating it because Strong Bad never learned how to count.

{cuts to outside the grill. xaviar flies out. strong sad walks in}

STRONG SAD: Aren't you the bird strong bad bought?

XAVIAR: What's it to ya?

STRONG SAD: It was just a {strong bad peeks his head outside the grill} kind gesture!

XAVIAR: {squalks loudly at strong sad, causing him to run away} That'll teach him.

CHWOKA: Teach him to what?

STRONG BAD: {jumps out of the grill completely} Woah! You just singelhandedly got rid of our worlds worst problem!

CHWOKA: {imitating Strong Sad} I'm sorry I caused all that cancer.

XAVIAR: Thank you. {sneering at the way strong sad went} At least someone respects me.

STRONG BAD: I don't know why the girls hate you!

CHWOKA: Because they're girls and the writer doesn't understand girls.

{cuts back to the bed room yvonne and marissa are putting a cage above the door}

YVONNE: Bye bye, birdy!

SKUB: That is just an irrational level of hate, and I would never stoop as low or lower.
{Chwoka accidentally hits the "Hating Im a Bell" button"}

{cuts back}

STRONG BAD: So, how did you come to hate dumpus?

XAVIAR: He offered me a {raises wings in quotation marks} bla-la-ka-lava{stops}

CHWOKA: Yadda, yadda, yadda,

whatever that is. It's probably some kind of laced food.

CHWOKA: Wait, you think Strong Sad would try to kill you?

STRONG BAD: So, could you teach me that squalk?

BLUEBRY: yeah just grow a beak and

XAVIAR: It'll cost ya.

STRONG BAD: But I just lost all my money.

XAVIAR: I'll just take a token. meet up with me by some dork.

CHWOKA: Strong Bad stands next to Coach Z, Xavier perches on Homestar.

{xaviar flies into the grill, and strong bad walks away. cuts to inside the girls room. xaviar flies in fast enough to avoid getting trapped. he grabs a black token}

CHWOKA: Why a black one you racist


CHWOKA: "Police! Stop that bird, he has a worthless tabletop game token! What?! No, it says 100 right there on it!"

{xaviar flies off screen.}

{cuts to the stick. the king of town is there. strong bad is waiting impatiently, as the king of town noisily and sloppily eats a raw steak.

BLUEBRY: classy

xaviar flies on screen.}

STRONG BAD: Finally. Now can you teach me to do that squalk?

XAVIAR: First, you'll need to replace your vocal cords with those of a birds.

CHWOKA: {Strong Bad, without hesitation, rips the throat of Xavier out.}


XAVIAR: It's the only way I can teach it.

STRONG BAD: Then why'd you tell me to find a dork?

XAVIAR: So I could gloat about my ability to do it. {squalks loudly at the king of town}

THE KOT: Aaah! {runs offscreen}

STRONG BAD: You're a dirty, scamming, rotten little bird. {two second pause} You're alright.

{cuts back to the girls room. the two are doodling on some blueprint paper. xaviar flies in}

MARISSA: There you are! Give me back my hundred bucks!

XAVIAR: Don't worry. S.b. will pay it back. {thinking} I hope. '{peeks over at the paper the girls are doodling on.}

YVONNE: Hey! We're planning here!

BLUEBRY: because who needs an architectural or engineering degree. those are for fools

XAVIAR: Yeah. Planning a doomed machine.

YVONNE: What do you mean?

XAVIAR: Duh. You need to install a crank shaft attached to the pulley at 8-D, and use a stronger metal for virtually every metal object in the machine.

BLUEBRY: "trust me i went to mit"

MARISSA: {raising her hand} Uh...

XAVIAR: It was part of my old job.

BLUEBRY: " art thief"

YVONNE: If you're so good at that, explain why our cage trap failed.

XAVIAR: Because, I can fly fast.

MARISSA: So, what you're saying is that you can make blue prints.

XAVIAR: What did you think was the blue stuff lining the bottom of my cage?

MARISSA: Bub's shedded skin?


XAVIAR: He's a reptile?


{the cheat walks in}

THE CHEAT: {inquizitive the cheat noises}

XAVIAR: Purple paint mixed with vinegar.

BLUEBRY: oh, a kir royale

THE CHEAT: {confused the cheat noises} {leaves}

MARISSA: You didn't even have to think on that!

XAVIAR: Same reasons.

YVONNE: Okay, you're a lying, evil little devil.

XAVIAR: Right.

YVONNE: If you can help us with our plans, we will let you stay here.

BLUEBRY: or you could put him on a rotisserie

XAVIAR: And if I don't agree?

YVONNE: We'll give you back to bu-


{Yvonne shakes xaviars wing. the screen fades out}

Fun facts

  • If strong bad had one peach poker chip, he would merely have a quarter left over.
    • Likewise, Xaviar taking a black chip as payment would signal a hundred dollar fee.
  • 'Bye bye, birdy' is a reference to Stuart Little.
  • 8-D was chosen because it looks like an emoticon written down.
  • The six of clubs is the lowest possible card that could be used for a high card.
  • If marissa has been playing cards since the second grade, and she's been playing for seven years, Marissa would be in the eighth grade.