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The SkullB Show/j1

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Ask Jerry! Episode 1: The First Letter Ever

Jerry divulges some information that, given the sender's name, should probably have been left unsaid.

CAST: Jerry,

PLACES: SkullB's Apartment

PAGE TITLE: Ask Jerry!


{Jerry enters.}

JERRY: Hey, guys. It's me, Jerry. Since I finally got some mail, I'll finally start answering them! Now, here's one from some guy named Stalkerman. Odd last name, but whatever, {pulls out letter}

Dear Jerry,
When, where, and how did you and Casey first meet?

JERRY: Well, Stalkerman, it's a long story. So I'm sure you'd all like to sit back and listen as I tell the tale of how I first met Casey.

{Cut: a class in college. Jerry is sitting next to Casey.}

JERRY: {v.o.} Now, it all started back in Political Science class, back in the good old year of 2002. I was a junior, and she was a sophomore. I knew she was smart because she was taking AP classes, but whatever. Then, the following exchange took place.

YOUNG CASEY: Oh, uh, hi. I'm Casey! What's your name?

YOUNG JERRY: J-J-J-Jerry. Nice to meet you.

YOUNG CASEY: Nice to meet you, Jerry! So, I was wondering, did we have homework in Chem last night? I spaced out a bit.

YOUNG JERRY: Yeah, we did. If you want, I can help you with it at lunch.

YOUNG CASEY: Really? Thanks!

JERRY: {v.o.} Yep. So I sat with her at lunch and we talked and talked. She eventually began to sit with me at lunch regularly, and we eventually hooked up! Now, what everyone says about college romance? Totally wrong. We've been together for a good six years now, and we've been inseparable!

{Cut: SkullB's Apartment.}

JERRY: Well, that's all we have for today. Me and Casey have a date at the movies, and I've gotta go put on my best "interested" face. See ya!

CASEY: {offscreen} Hurry up, darnit!