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Revision as of 22:13, 9 May 2008 by Skub (talk | contribs) (New page: SkullB's Missing {{{3}}} <p>One day, in the {{{1}}} land of Decentville, SkullB woke {{{2}}} to find that his precious {{{3}}} was missing! "{{{4}}}!" said SkullB as he {{{5}}} out of bed...)
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SkullB's Missing {{{3}}}

One day, in the {{{1}}} land of Decentville, SkullB woke {{{2}}} to find that his precious {{{3}}} was missing! "{{{4}}}!" said SkullB as he {{{5}}} out of bed and out the door. When he got out, he saw {{{6}}} was holding his {{{3}}} in his {{{7}}}!
"You unhand my {{{3}}}, you {{{8}}}!" SkullB said, {{{9}}}.
"Never!" said {{{6}}}, his {{{10}}} raised high.
"Then I'll just make you," said SkullB. SkullB then {{{11}}} {{{6}}}, knocking the {{{3}}} out of his hands.
"{{{12}}}!" said {{{6}}} as he ran away. In the end, SkullB got his {{{3}}} back, and it was a {{{13}}} day from then on.

The End!