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The Online Melancholy of Aruseus Parker/1

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Cast {in order of appearance}: Aruseus, TJ, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, various doctors and nurses

Places: Dimension Zero, Waiting Room, Emergency Room, Hospital Hallway

Started 20:06, 4 October 2009 (UTC)


{black screen}

ARUSEUS: {voiceover} An armageddon. I never recall what happened that day, but I do remember a war. I remember...friends...names...Tom, Pter, and it over? Has it all ended?

{Aruseus opens his eyes to find himself in a blank white zone}

ARUSEUS: Where...where am I?

???: Aruseus. The life you once new is over.

ARUSEUS: Am I dead? Is or something?

???: No. This is Dimension Zero. I am TJ, your creator. I am not there in person, but I am here to tell you of something.

ARUSEUS: What's going on?

TJ: Aruseus, I decided that after I had joined FurAffinity and met my friends there, I decided to bring you back, but not as you were.

ARUSEUS: Am I still hot?

TJ: {sighs} Be serious about this. Anyway, I reset your life, your history. You are...well...17 again.

ARUSEUS: That's back when I was in Free Country, USA, yes?

TJ: Not anymore. Instead, you are the child of two experiments by a man named Dr. John Parker. He tried to replicate the power of Arceus into a human form. Well, he got what he wanted, but without the power. These two, whom were named Joseph and Ellen, are your parents.


TJ: You are their son, nicknamed Aruseus due to your species.

ARUSEUS: But I thought I was an Arceus.

TJ: Er...same thing. Going on, you are a football star for the Middleton Wyverns; Number 9 and the star running back-

ARUSEUS: Look, this history is cool and all, but where am I now?

TJ: In the hospital. You were involved in an accident caused by a crazy driver on crack.

ARUSEUS: Am I going to die?

TJ: No, actually, you're going to wake up soon. Goodbye.

ARUSEUS: Wait! Come back! I need answers!

{fade to black, panicked voices are heard}

MAN: Is he going to be okay?

WOMAN: Hurry, he'll wake up soon!

OTHER MAN: If his body starts running again then the blood will leak!

MAN: Calm down, almost got it...DONE!

{Fade to a waiting room. Two, both anthromorphic, one man and one woman, wearing casual clothing, sit there, both looking nervous. A doctor walks out}

MRS. PARKER: Is my boy okay?

DOCTOR: Good news. The surgery was a success. He should wake up soon.

{the three walk in. Cut to a shot of a male, teenage looking Arceus lying in the bed. He slowly wakes up}

ARUSEUS: Where...where am I?


MRS. PARKER: You're okay! {runs up and hugs him}

ARUSEUS: What-OOF! Careful, mom, they just did surgery!

DOCTOR: Which I was about to explain. You were in a massive accident, and your limbs were all broken, your neck too. You would've been paralyzed from the neck down hadn't we performed the operation. However, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, I'm afraid to say your son is modular.


MR. PARKER: What does that mean?

DOCTOR: To get his body working again, we had to cut his arms, hands, legs, feet, pelvis, and head off of the torso. Using advanced nanotechnology he can move his body again. However, the only side effect is that the parts that we cut off are all removable now.

ARUSEUS: So... {places hands on the sides of his head} Does that mean I can... {pulls his head off, turns it around to see his headless body, holding him}

{all three lines at the same time}




DOCTOR: It's very scary at first. However, modularity can be taken as a blessing rather than a curse. I've met a few modular people that take it as fun or enjoy it. Unfortunately, there are people who do not take this well.

ARUSEUS: I can understand that! {puts his head back on}

DOCTOR: Aruseus, I'm pleased to tell you that the surgery requires no recovery. You should be able to move well; you just need to get used to the modularity. Same goes for you two.

MR. PARKER: So our son has a detachable body... {nervous chuckle} Not bad, right?

MRS. PARKER: ...sure. It should be fine...At least our boy is not dead...but he can look it now.

ARUSEUS: I'm sure everything will work out. Let's go home.

{the three walk away. Cut to a shot of them walking down the hospital hallway. Aruseus accidentally trips}

ARUSEUS: WAH! {thud} Um...Mom? Dad? Can someone put me back together?

{fade out, the end}